Technic News


Technic Launcher Build #358 Now Stable

The Technic Launcher, build #358 has now been marked at stable.  Non-beta users will automatically download the new version the next time they start the launcher. 

Release notes since Build #354:

  • The login and launcher windows can now only be dragged with the left mouse button. This should correct an issue some users were encountering where the launcher would move to avoid their mouse.
  • The launcher can now properly launch Forge builds 960 and later.
  • Clicking the "Play" button with the "Add Pack" option selected will no longer attempt to launch an invalid pack.
  • Receiving unexpectedly invalid JSON will now follow proper error handling rather than crashing the launcher.

Technic Launcher Build #354 Now Stable

The Technic Launcher, build #354 has now been marked at stable.  Non-beta users will automatically download the new version the next time they start the launcher. 

Release notes since Build #342:

  • Errors during a modpack installation now provide user-friendly message boxes indicating what went wrong, when a useful answer is available.
  • Uncaught exceptions in the launcher now once more launch the Error Report dialog.
  • Jar and zip files are now deleted from mods directory subfolders when cleaning out a modpack directory (by spyboticsguy).
  • A new dropdown box is available in the launcher's cogwheel menu which allows you to select the launcher's behavior after launch. By default, the launcher will hide itself and reappear after minecraft closes (by spyboticsguy).
  • The launcher now once again correctly downloads Minecraft sounds and resources (it has been directed to minecraft's new asset server).
  • Post-launch actions will no longer be taken by the launcher if launching Minecraft failed.
  • Some fixes were made to our internal mechanism for testing hidden in-development packs.

1.6+ Support is Now Available

Tekkit Classic is now fixed! Due to the way we resolved the issue it also fixed compatibility for Hack/Mine and YogBox so both of these modpacks will be returning to the launcher. We apologize for the time you were unable to play your favorite modpacks today. Thank you for being patient and letting us get everything working!

Today we are happy to announce that 1.6 support is now live and pushed to the recommended launcher stream. What does this mean for you? Next time you start up your launcher it will update itself and provide full 1.6+ support. Olloth has worked very hard on this new version of the launcher and made sure to get it working and out to you guys before he heads off to Amazon.

Even though it may not look like it, 90% of the launcher has been completely rewritten from scratch. You will notice large improvements in speed. As an example, extracting modpacks should be much faster and no longer grind your computer to a halt. There were also some changes to the way pack information is stored, so when you first start the new launcher your old information will be migrated into the new storage system. As always, if you have any issues with the new launcher please do not hesistate to file a bug report on our forums.

With this update we are also going to be retiring two modpacks from our official lineup. Those packs are YogBox and Hack/Mine. Neither of these packs are compatible with the new launcher. In order to provide support for 1.6 and future versions of Minecraft we had to remove these packs from the launcher. It's possible Hack/Mine may return in the future.


We have resolved the issue with Tekkit Classic and the new launcher. YogBox and Hack/Mine have also returned. Any issues that remain should be minor but will be taken care of. As it stands now however, your Tekkit Classic games should be A-OK. 

Coming 1.6+ Support in the Technic Launcher and a New Amazon Hire

For anyone wanting to put 1.6 packs on the platform, the Technic Launcher is in beta today for 1.6+ support. As soon as its determined it is stable then the platform will allow 1.6+ packs.


If you're wondering why it has taken so long, we rewrote the entire back end to the launcher and pulled it out from the GUI to act like the new Minecraft launcher that came with 1.6. This means hopefully much better support for past versions + new versions such that it is less hassle every update.


It also means there isn't much left of the Spoutcraft fork that we had so it's a lot more maintainable code, and it also also means that the GUI can safely be updated/revamped without worrying about the back end since they are decoupled now.


In other news Technic Launcher Dev (official title) Olloth has accepted a job offer from Amazon and will be leaving the team in an official capacity come November of this year. He’s been a great asset and will remain a good friend. This makes it the second time that a Technic Launcher developer has been snatched away from us by Amazon! They should really be paying us some sort of finders fee.


Stay tuned for when we fully launch the new launcher and Platform support for 1.6+ and congratulations to Olloth and his success!