Technic News


Attack of the B-Team 1.0.12a is now Recommended

Attack of the B-Team 1.0.12a is now marked Recommended in the launcher, and users will be asked to update the next time they attempt to launch B-Team. This is a large update over 1.0.10b, and includes a number of mod updates.

The build includes the following changes:

  • Witchery logs, planks, and leaves can now be cut into multiblocks
  • Village spawns have been disabled in order to bypass a chunk-corruption issue with Biomes o' Plenty
  • OpenEye version 0.6 has been added
  • Not Enough Codecs version 0.1 has been added. This should fix most radio stations in Open Blocks
  • World of Dinos has been updated to version 1.1. Dinos should no longer crowd out Tropicraft spawns
  • MineFactory Reloaded has been updated from version 2.7.6 to version 2.7.9
  • Advanced Genetics has been updated from version 1.4.1 to version 1.4.3
  • Better Storage has been updated from version to version
  • Carpenter Blocks has been updated from version 2.0.6 to version 2.1.0
  • CoFHCore has been updated from version to version
  • Food Plus has been updated from version 2.7pre to version 2.8pre4
  • Furnituremod has been updated from version 3.2.9 to version 3.3.3
  • Galacticraft has been updated from version to version
  • Hats has been updated from version 2.1.4 to version 2.1.8
  • Open Mods Lib has been updated from version 0.4 to version 0.5.1
  • Open Blocks has been updated from version 1.2.7 to version 1.2.9
  • Tinkers Mechworks has been updated from version to version 0.1.6
  • Necromancy has been updated from version 1.4c.9 to version 1.5
  • Sync has been updated from version 2.1.1 to version 2.2.2
  • Tinkers Construct has been updated from version 1.5.4d4 to version
  • Thermal Expansion has been updated from version to version
  • Tropicraft has been updated from version 5.1.6 to version 5.1.7
  • Waila has been updated from version 1.5.1a to version 1.5.2a
  • Witchery has been updated from version 0.16.3 to version 0.19.2

Server owners can obtain the new server file from the following link:

Due to the number of changes, we recommend server owners update all mods and config files.

Attack of the B-Team 1.0.10b is being promoted to RECOMMENDED

Attack of the B-Team 1.0.10b will be promoted to Recommended shortly.  
AS ALWAYS, back up your worlds (SSP and/or server) and set your launcher to "Always Use Recommended Builds"  (or manually select version 1.0.10b) and enjoy!
One thing to note is that you may be prompted regarding a missing itemid; this is unavoidable due to an internal item rename in Project Red.
The 1.0.10b server can be downloaded here.
Changelog for Attack of the B-Team 1.0.10b;  this is a list of all changes since 1.0.9c:
 - Immibis Core has been updated to version 57.2.0.
 - MineFactory Reloaded has been updated to version
 - Random Things has been updated to version 1.9.
 - Galacticraft, Galacticraft-Planets, and MicDoodleCore have been updated to version
 - Carpenter's Blocks has been updated to version 2.0.6.
 - Mr. Crayfish's Furniture Mod has been updated to version 3.2.9.
 - Liquid XP has been updated to version 57.1.2.
 - Forge Microblocks has been updated to build 250.
 - Witchery has been updated to version 0.16.3.
 - Open Blocks has been updated to version 1.2.7.
 - Open Mods Lib has been updated to version 0.4.
 - Morph has been updated to version 0.7.1.
 - Bibliocraft version 1.5.5 has been added.
 - Bibliowoods for Biomes O' Plenty version 1.3 has been added
 - Bibliowoods for Natura version 1.1 has been added.
 - Galacticraft has been reconfigured to ensure that most mod glass blocks work with the oxygen sealer.

Attack of the B-Team 1.0.9c Is Now Recommended

Attack of the B-Team 1.0.9c is now marked Recommended in the launcher, and users will be asked to update the next time they attempt to launch B-Team. This is a minor version update over 1.0.8, and includes a number of mod updates, and the addition of Better Storage and Tinkers' MechWorks.

The build includes the following changes:

  • Better Storage version added.
  • Tinkers Mechworks version added.
  • Elevators have been configured to no longer consume XP.
  • A configuration issue with Advanced Genetics Healing Crystals has been corrected.
  • Galacticraft, Galacticraft-Planets, and MicdoodleCore updated to version
  • Carpenter's Blocks updated to version 2.0.3.
  • Advanced Genetics updated to version 1.4.1.
  • Project: Red updated to version
  • Hats updated to version 2.1.4.
  • Code Chicken Core updated to version
  • Not Enough Items updated to version
  • Tinkers Construct updated to version 1.5.4d4.
  • Flan's Mod updated to version 4.1.3.
  • Witchery updated to version 0.15.1.
  • Waila updated to version 1.5.1a.
  • Forge Microblocks dependencies have been updated.

Server owners can obtain the new server file from the following link:

Due to the number of changes, we recommend server owners update all mods and config files.

Attack of the B-Team 1.0.8 Is Now Recommended

Attack of the B-Team 1.0.8 is now marked Recommended in the launcher, and users will be asked to update the next time they attempt to launch B-Team. This is a minor version update over 1.0.7a, which fixes a number of crash issues introduced in that version, and also updates Open Blocks.

The build includes the following changes:

  • Dragon Mounts has been updated to version r55.fix- Dragon Mounts no longer crashes clients of users who saw a dragon in SMP without seeing one in SSP in the same Minecraft session.
  • Wind has been disabled in the WeatherMod config, as it was causing an incompatibility with the latest version of DubStep Gun.
  • Hats has been reconfigured to use Hat-Hunting Mode as the default- in Hat-Hunting mode, each user starts with no hats, and you obtain hats by killing hat-wearing mobs. Server owners and users who do not want this change should modify the config file to change it back.
  • Minions has had its mod file renamed to be entirely lower-case. This standard has been adopted to deal with an ongoing issue with forge in which mods load in different orders base on operating system case-sensitivity, frequently causing server and client to have different entity ID's due to the way that most mods determine those IDs.
  • Open Blocks Mod has been updated to version 1.2.5.
  • Open Mods Lib has been updated to version 0.2.

Server owners can obtain the new server file from the following link:

Server owners looking to update from 1.0.7a can simply update the config files, Open Blocks, Open Mods Lib, Dragon Mounts, and rename Minions to be lower-case.

Attack of the B-Team 1.0.7a Is Now Recommended

Attack of the B-Team 1.0.7a is now marked Recommended in the launcher, and users will be asked to update the next time they attempt to launch B-Team. This is a minor version update over 1.0.6a, with a number of mod updates, Morph bug fixes, and the addition of chisel microblocks!

The build includes the following changes:

  • Morph has been updated to 0.7.0. These are the long-awaited Morph fixes!
  • BDCraft forums user czzarr has put together a great configuration list for Chisel blocks to be added as Microblocks! czzarr, Generik B saw your post and asked that we include your configuration in the pack! Thanks, czzarr!
  • Biomes o' Plenty has been updated to version
  • MineFactory Reloaded has been updated to version
  • Galacticraft, Galacticraft Planets, and MicdoodleCore have been updated to version
  • Advanced Genetics has been updated to version 1.4.
  • Dragon Mounts has been updated to version r35.
  • Dubstep Gun has been updated to version 0.5.
  • Witchery has been updated to version 0.14.0.

Server owners can obtain the new server file from the following link:

Server owners looking to update from 1.0.6 can simply update the config files, Morph, Biomes o' Plenty, MineFactory Reloaded, Galacticraft, Galacticraft Planets, Micdoodle Core, Advanced Genetics, Dragon Mounts, Saintspack, and Witchery.