Install Automata()

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Automata()) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Automata() from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Automata() Version Skyfall(10.1)

created by Alaberti on Minecraft 1.12.2
Agricraft will be removed on the 31st. Backup your worlds! See Thaumic Bases for its replacement.
Alaberti posted a status update for Automata() 8 years ago


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Couldn't you leave Agricraft and replace Thaumcraft with something better instead?
Posted by Aqualung 8 years ago
Agricraft allows you to gather resources at a high rate without needing to design complex automation (the main 'focus' of the mod, if you will). Thaumic Bases has the same resource crop growth mechanic, but requires more thought to its systems. I find it also fits the pack better, thematically. Understand, anything I change is based on the experience we have on the server I host, which is pack is designed for. It may not always fit your expectations, and I do apologize if this negatively impacts your gameplay. I understand you may not agree, but I do hope you can at least see where I'm coming from.
Posted by Alaberti 8 years ago
A minecraftian can dream, can't they? I admire your ability to answer snarkiness with insightful reason. I acknowledge that Thaumcraft is a well wrought mod, I would just enjoy it so much more if I saw it a lot less. It is more often than not a poor fit and I've been turned off. I'm not suggesting you should include it; but I'd like your thoughts on Fluxed Crystals 2 in context of the Automata() theme?
Posted by Aqualung 8 years ago
After spending some time with it, it still feels a little fast. It also feels less like using technology to solve a problem and more like justifying autocrafting steps with a bit of RF. Thematically, it's kinda on the right track, but it's closer to an rf-soil based magical crops, and it's curve is based on being tedious. It's not especially challenging, though it does encourage some logical interaction. I wouldn't put it in myself, as it's not quite there, but the idea seems sound. I'd say, though, that farming for resources probably fits more in the realm of 'magic' than pure tech. For Automata, at least, that's the intent - natural magic of a kind (which is why, despite the storyline there is no blood magic but rather witchery).
Posted by Alaberti 8 years ago

Latest Update

Automata() was updated to version Skyfall(10.1)