
Hello, I'm getting an error that says: Error unzipping a file for the following pack: Realm of Mianite; Attempting to extract file realm-of-mianite-1.4.0.zip, but it did not exist; Please consult the modpack author. Please help me, thanks!
Posted by jojosfries on endermedia's profile 9 years ago


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me and my friends are getting the same message
Posted by thathing37 9 years ago
I am too at first I thought is was my computer then I realized I couldn't play older versions either, but when i launched w/out updating I got vanilla with forgemodloader :/
Posted by tdragon00 9 years ago
I got the solution guys. Jojofries is my friend and I'm good at troubleshooting. I decided to hop on Teamviewer and helped him out. First open your technic launcher and under Realm of Mianite you'll see a button on the top right corner saying Modpack Options. Click on that and you'll see the destination of the modpack. Hit open. Now you'll have the mod pack files open. Go back one page using the back button on the top left corner and you'll see all the other modpacks that are currently installed in your technic launcher but since you went back one a page using the back button the realm-of-mianite pack will be highlighted. Just delete that pack and you're good to go. Just go back to the launcher and reinstall.
Posted by keews 9 years ago