Install Todabone Furiious - TF

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Todabone Furiious - TF) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Todabone Furiious - TF from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Todabone Furiious - TF Version 0.63

created by Maxwelljonez on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

Todabone Furiious - TF updated to version 0.25

Mod update:
- Another One Bites The Dust
- BD Lib
- BiblioCraft
- Binnie Core
- BuildCraft
- Carpenter's Blocks
- ChickenChunks
- CodeChicken Core
- CoFH Core
- ComputerCraft
- Cookie Core
- Damage Indicators
- Ender IO
- EnderStorage
- ExtraCells
- ExtraTiC
- Forestry for Minecraft
- GenDustry
- Immibis Core
- Immibis's Microblocks
- IndustrialCraft 2
- Inventory Tweaks
- Logistics Pipes
- Mariculture
- Mekanism
- MekanismGenerators
- MekanismTools
- MineFactory Reloaded
- ModTweaker
- NEI Addons
- Nether Ores
- OpenCCSensors
- QuarryPlus
- Railcraft
- Redstone Armory
- Redstone Arsenal
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- TiC Tooltips
- Tinkers' Steelworks
- ttCore
- Waila
- Waila Harvestability
Config Fix
- Oregen should be fixed.
- Quests fixes
- Quest reward mining backpack and not adventurer
- Quest: book sorted
- Worldgen fixes
- Nerfed Enderminy
- Disabled adventurer backpack (would be too long to config)
- Turtles disabled (no fix for hardness found yet)
- Nerfed loot chests
- Rebalanced elevators (XP need)
- Rebalanced engines recipes
- Crescent hammer tweaked
- Removed pams water barrel
- Cobblestone mining speed adjusted
- Rebalanced Alumite tools and weapons
- Rebalanced creeper heads loot
Maxwelljonez posted a changelog update for Todabone Furiious - TF 9 years ago


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Latest Update

So close to 200 downloads, and already more than 2000 runs! You guys are awesome!