Install My 'Simple' Country Life

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (My 'Simple' Country Life) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select My 'Simple' Country Life from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

My 'Simple' Country Life Version 14.0

created by Mistyclaw101 on Minecraft 1.7.10

My 'Simple' Country Life updated to version 13.0

Mod List for 1.7.10:
- Armourer’s Workshop
- Baby Animals
- Backpacker’s Core
- Baubles
- Better Foliage
- BiblioCraft
- BiblioWoods
- Biomes O’Plenty
- Forestry
- Natura
- Biomes O’Plenty
- Botania
- Buildcraft
- Carpenter’s Blocks
- Chicken Chunks
- Chisel
- Code Chicken Core
- Code Chicken Lib
- CoFH Core
- CoFH Lib
- Damage Indicators
- Dense Ores
- Doggy Talents
- Double Doors
- Dynamic Surroundings
- Dynamic Trees
- Enchiridion 2
- Ender Core
- Ender IO
- Ex Nihilo
- Exotic Birds
- Extra Utilities
- Fastcraft
- Food Plus
- Forestry
- Forge Multipart
- Forge Relocation
- Grim3212 Core
- Growthcraft
- Hats
- iChunUtil
- Immersive Engineering
- Immersive Integration
- Inventory Tweaks
- Iron Chest
- Magical Crops
- Magical Crops Armoury
- Magic Bees
- Mantle
- MapWriter
- Mariculture Deluxe
- Millenaire
- Minefactory Reloaded
- Magical Crops Compatibility
- Morph
- Mo Villages
- MrCrayfishFurnitureMod
- MrTJP Core
- Natura
- Addons
- Integration
- Nether Ores
- Not Enough Keys
- Open Blocks
- Open Mods Lib
- Pam’s HarvestCraft
- Project E
- Rotten Flesh To Leather
- Sound Filters
- Spawn Commands
- Steves Carts
- Tinker’s Construct
- The Kitchen Mod
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- Thermal Smeltery
- Tropicraft
- Twilight Forest
- Vein Miner
- Harvestability
- Plugins
Mistyclaw101 posted a changelog update for My 'Simple' Country Life 3 years ago


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Latest Update

I did do another update! Mariculture Deluxe was removed and Project Red was added. I will still be checking in with this modpack to fix any other issues y'all might have. I hope you all enjoy!