Install Rebirth Gaming

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Rebirth Gaming) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Rebirth Gaming from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Rebirth Gaming Version 2.9.9.coolmanz

created by Rebirth Gaming on Minecraft 1.7.10

Rebirth Gaming updated to version 1.3.0

Updated the following mods:

- Another One Bites the Dust
- Applied Energistics 2
- Automagy
- Big Reactors
- Blood Magic
- Botania
- Chisel 2
- CoFH and all related mods (TE, Nether Ores, etc)
- Cool Stuff
- Draconic Evolution
- EnderIO
- Extra Cells
- Fastcraft
- Forestry
- Galacticraft
- Gany's mods
- Magic Bees
- Mekanism
- Opis/Mobius Core
- Open Mods
- Pam's Harvestcraft
- Project Red
- Refined Relocation
- Reliquary
- Sanguimancy
- Simply Jetpacks
- Solar Flux
- Tinkers Construct
- Thaumic Energistics
- Thaumic Tinkerer
- Translocator
- Twilight Forest
- Waila
- Witchery

Added YAMPST (statistics tracker)
Removed ItemPhysic

Notable changes from mod updates:

- Mekanism 8! This includes several changes, but I'll touch on some highlights:
--- Lasers, can be used to mine and cook chicken.
--- Reactors! Used as a power source.
--- ALL machines can receive upgrades! No more bottlenecks at chemical washers.
--- Machines have configurable input/output sides.
- Draconic Evolution draconium ingots no longer require 4 draconium dust and 1 iron ingot. Instead, the draconium dust can be smelted directly into draconium ingots. Yes, this does mean that draconium ore can be 5x processed with Mekanism (or using other methods, like QED and Technomancy)
- The Ultimate Bag's (Cool Stuff) bag upgrades have been fixed. No more client crashes when opening bag tabs.
- The Phoenix Core (Cool Stuff) now has a burn time, usable as a fuel.
- The Rebirth Sword (Cool Stuff) can no longer be disenchanted. Sowwy, no more free Looting X enchant books.
- Pam's Harvestcraft added more recipes and Ore Dictionary values, furthering its compatibility with cross mod foods.
- Witchery has some new stuff, like the mirror world.
- Sanguimancy now comes with a guide book, given to players on first join.
- Gany's Surface added BANNERS, as well as a handful of other 1.8 features.
- Blood Magic has new rituals and armor. So Omega!
- Reliquary got an overhaul to its brewing system.
- Magic Bees added a vis apiary booster!

Config changes:

- Amethyst (BOP) added to the Ore Dictionary. This allows Amethyst to be mined with the Digital Miner using the OreDict filter.
- Villagers and Iron Golems removed from powered spawner (EnderIO) blacklist. They were allowed with MFR spawners, so why not this one as well.
- Disabled the Magnetic Force (Random Things). Not very fair for servers.
- Omni Wrench mode set to keybind " ] "
- Draconic Evolution GUI keybind set to " [ "
- Hard mode recipe enabled for Phoenix Core (Cool Stuff) - requires dragon egg instead of nether star. This is due to how easy it is to acquire nether stars mid game.
- Disabled Auto Refill (InvTweaks). It was annoying players, especially when brewing or performing rituals. You can still enable it client side.
- Disabled Ore Dictionary usage in developer options (NEI) - this eliminates the GUI lag when pressing "U" over an item in NEI.
- Galacticraft and EnderIO silicon are now united under the same Ore Dictionary value, allowing either to be used in most silicon requiring recipes.
- Galacticraft Silicon Ore may now be processed in a SAG Mill, and will output EnderIO silicon. No more needing to mine it by hand!
- Reverted Big Reactor component recipes to require iron instead of steel. Big Reactors requires enough materials as it is, so requiring additional coal seemed like overkill.
- Disabled several mod update notifications to reduce login chat spam.
- MFR's raw and cooked meat ingots have been added to Ore Dictionary values, allowing them to be used in Pam's Harvestcraft recipes requiring raw and cooked beef and pork.
- Galacticraft cheese now shares the same Ore DIctionary value as Pam's Harvestcraft cheese, allowing it to be used in recipes.
- Client no longer starts in fullscreen mode. This should finally eliminate any issues people have with our custom main menu.
- NEI now has utility mode enabled by default, with the delete/trash button available.
- Aura Nodes (Thaumcraft) added to the blacklist for Mekanism cardboard boxes. Two reasons. 1, it essentially gave players a creative node (boxing and unboxing the node would randomize its type/brightness/vis each time). 2, could cause server crashes in some instances, or otherwise generate a hungry node.
- Possibly more that I may have forgotten about.
Rebirth Gaming posted a changelog update for Rebirth Gaming 9 years ago


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Latest Update

Rebirth Gaming was updated to version 2.9.9.coolmanz