Install PandaaTech

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (PandaaTech) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select PandaaTech from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

PandaaTech Version 1.8

created by JordanThePanda on Minecraft 1.12.2

PandaaTech updated to version 1.3

Config Changes

Changed - Made a few minor changes to the Waystones.cfg
Changed - Made a few changes to the torchmaster.cfg torches now only stop mobs from spawning in a 32 block area rather than 64.
Changed - Disabled Ender Anchors from keeping a chunk loaded in randomthings.cfg (sorry, we will see how the server runs before allowing chunks to stay loaded)
Changed - Minor changes to quark.cfg which will help increase performance.
Changed - Enabled burntime and durability tool tips in jeiintegration.cfg
Changed - Minor changes made to the IntegrationForegoing.cfg disabled integration for mods the modpack isn't using.
Changed - Minor changes to the industrialforegoing.cfg
Changed - Disabled integration for mods the modpack doesn't use in immersiveengineering.cfg
Changed - Minor change to the harvestcraft.cfg, the setting that changes how hunger works in Minecraft has been disabled
Changed - Minor changes to the fastleafdecay.cfg
Changed - Minor change to corpse.cfg, only allowing the player who's corpse belongs to, to access there own items. Other players do not have access.
Changed - Changed some things in cookingforblockheads.cfg the sink no longer has infinite water, water has to be piped into it. The oven has to have oil to continue to work (I hope this makes it more realistic)
Changed - Minor changes made to the chesttransporter.cfg only Diamond and Obsidian transporters can pick up mob spawners.
Changed - Minor changes made to Unidict/IntegrationModule.cfg disabled multiple integration modules for mods not included in the modpack
Changed - Minor changes made to aroma1997sdimension.cfg disabled the spawning of Villages, Mineshafts and Strong holds. I want this to be a world for mining in caves/ravines only.
Changed - Changes made to aromabackup.cfg a back up made every 60 minutes, 5 backups will be kept. The Nether, The End and The Mining Dimensions are NOT backed up. I intend to reset these dimensions occasionally so DO NOT base in these areas. Resets will be announced days in advance.
Note - There is an option in thaumcraft_graphics.cfg to disable Thaumcraft shaders, for those experiancing FPS issues when using Thaumcraft.
Note - There is an option to disable shaders applied to some blocks within industrialwires.cfg for any players eperiancing lag issues.
Note - There are multiple options within the botania.cfg that disable shaders/animations within the mod to offer a performance boost for players with low end PCs
Note - In the aiotbotania.cfg there is an option to disable particles added by the mod to improve performance
Note - randomtweaks.cfg has some config options that may increase client side performance.
Note - opencomputers/settings.conf has multiple configurable options that can increase performance.
JordanThePanda posted a changelog update for PandaaTech 3 years ago


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Latest Update

PandaaTech was updated to version 1.8