Install PandaaTech

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (PandaaTech) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select PandaaTech from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

PandaaTech Version 1.8

created by JordanThePanda on Minecraft 1.12.2

PandaaTech updated to version 1.0

Mods Added

Added - YUNG's Better Caves - bettercaves-1.12.2-2.0.4 - - Changes cave generation, expect your mining experiance to be quite different.
Added - Waila Harvestability - WailaHarvestability-mc1.12-1.1.12 - - Provides some info about what tool is required to break the block you're looking at.
Added - Hwyla - Hwyla-1.8.26-B41_1.12.2 - - Provides some info about the block you're looking at, the item name, the mod the item is from
Added - UniDict - UniDict-1.12.2-3.0.3 - - Helps when mods collide. Example, multiple mods use silver ore. This mod merges the silver ore rather than have silver ore from two different mods.
Added - Torchmaster - torchmaster_1.12.2- - - A torch that stops mobs spawning in radius of the torch, at a cost of diamonds to create the torch.
Added - Tinkers Construct - TConstruct-1.12.2- - - A mod about smelting metals and mixing and matching to create your own tools.
Added - Tinkers' Complement - TinkersComplement-1.12.2-0.4.3 - - A tinkers consruct addon adding various items which integrates tinkers with other mods.
Added - Tinkers' Tool Leveling - TinkerToolLeveling-1.12.2-1.1.0 - - Level up your tinkers tools to slowly get an even better tinkers tool.
Added - OpenComputers Drivers for Tinkers Construct - tinkersoc-0.6 - - Adds OpenComputers Drivers to add Tinkers support.
Added - Thermal Dynamics - ThermalDynamics-1.12.2- - - A Thermal Addon, adds ways to transport items, fluids, flux and players.
Added - Thermal Cultivation - ThermalCultivation-1.12.2- - - A Thermal Addon, adds watering cans useful for farming.
Added - Thermal Innovation - ThermalInnovation-1.12.2- - A Thermal Addon, adds Thermal style tools and equipment.
Added - Thermal Foundation - ThermalFoundation-1.12.2- - - The foundation for the thermal mods.
Added - Thermal Expansion - ThermalExpansion-1.12.2- - - A Thermal mod, adds tech via the use of multiple machines.
Added - Thaumic JEI - ThaumicJEI-1.12.2-1.6.0-27 - - JEI addon to provide info about Thaumcraft
Added - Thaumic Wonders - thaumicwonders-1.8.2 - - A Thaumcraft addon, adds more items such as the flying carpet.
Added - Thaumic Energistics - thaumicenergistics-2.2.4 - - A bridge between Thaumcraft and AE2 mainly essentia management.
Added - Thaumic Brewing - thaumicbrewing-1.0.2 - - Allows the brewing of potions within Thaumcraft, using essentia.
Added - Thaumic Additions: Reconstructed - ThaumicAdditions-1.12.2-12.6.6 - - A Thaumcraft addon, adding various items. blocks, Aspects, Fluids and Potions to further expand the Thaumcraft experiance.
Added - Thaumcraft - Thaumcraft-1.12.2-6.1.BETA26 - - The base Thaumcraft mod, a mod about magic by drawing 'essentia' from physical objects and using the essentia to perform 'miracles'
Added - Reliquary v1.3 - Reliquary-1.12.2- - - A magic mods which adds various magical items and blocks that are challenging to get.
Added - Storage Drawers - StorageDrawers-1.12.2-5.4.2 - - Adds storage drawers, varying from 4 item stacks to 32 stacks per drawer.
Added - Snad - Snad-1.12.1- - - Snad, a craftable block which increases the growth rate of Sugarcane.
Added - Save My Stronghold! - savemystronghold-1.12.2-1.0.0 - - Prvents caves, ravines and well anything from spawning in a stronghold and essential breaking it.
Added - RandomTweaks - randomtweaks-1.12.2- - - This mod doesn't add any new blocks or items instead it changes current things already within the game for example sheep colours are randomized at spawn, ocelots can be healed with fish, parrots healed with seeds ...
Added - RandomPatches - randompatches-1.12.2- - - various 'fixes' and changes to how the game works. For example, read/login timeouts are extended to 90s which allows slower computers to have more time to connect to the server rather than giving up and providing an connection failed message.
Added - Quark Oddities - QuarkOddities-1.12.2 - An addon to quark, adding even more additions some examples are a backpack extending the players inventory slots, Matrix Enchanting which changes how the enchanting system works.
Added - Quark - Quark-r1.6-179 - - Adds various items, blocks, mobs and changes some world generation.
Added - Pam's HarvestCraft - Pam's+HarvestCraft+1.12.2zg - adds more food to the game and changes how the hunger system works.
Added - OpenComputers - OpenComputers-MC1.12.2- - - Adds computers programmable by Lua 5.2 and 5.3 for those into programing things to do things.
Added - OpenBlocks - OpenBlocks-1.12.2-1.8.1 - - Adds a selecttion random idea to Minecraft.
Added - NoMoreRecipeConflict - NoMoreRecipeConflict-0.13(1.12.2) - - If recipes conflict you can select which one you are wanting to craft.
Added - NetherPortalFix - NetherPortalFix_1.12.1-5.3.17 - - Fixes nether portals by remembering which portals players have entered ensuring the return locations are the same.
Added - NetherEx - NetherEx-1.12.2-2.2.2 - - A Nether overhaul adding various nether mods which offer new mobs, blocks and items.
Added - Nether Metals - NetherMetals-1.12-1.2.0-rc2.76 - - Sick of only mining in the overworld to get your ores? This mod adds a nether varient so you can also mine in the nether!
Added - Nature's Compass - NaturesCompass-1.12.2-1.8.5 - - A compass which helps finding biomes.
Added - Natura - natura-1.12.2- - - A mod that changes world generation a little, adding various trees, flowers and bushes that also add more sources of food.
Added - Morpheus - Morpheus-1.12.2-3.5.106 - - A mod to improve sleeping. Only 50% of players need to sleep and it'll provide info about how many players are sleeping and which ones are not.
Added - More Overlays - moreoverlays-1.15.1-mc1.12.2 - - Adds more overlays which provide more info to the player for example light level (whether mobs can spawn or not), chunk boundries.
Added - Moar Tinkers - moartinkers-0.6.0 - - Adds even more materials to tinkers construct further expanding the customisable tools offered by tinkers.
Added - Magic Bees - MagicBees-1.12.2-3.2.25 - - An addon for forestry which adds more bee species that integrates with the Thaumcraft, BOtania and Thermal Expansion mods.
Added - JEI Patterns- - - A JEI addon for banner patterns, worry no more about how to craft your banner designs.
Added - Just Enough Items (JEI) - jei_1.12.2- - - JEI, the main mod which allows you to search all items in the game, seeing there uses, and recipes to craft them.
Added - JE HarvestCraft - just-enough-harvestcraft-1.12.2-1.7.2 - - A JEI addon, adding Pam's HarvestCraft support.
Added - JourneyMap - journeymap-1.12.2-5.7.1 - - A minimap mod allowing you to create waypoints, see your surrounding areas in map form, see good and bad mobs around you.
Added - JEI Integration - jeiintegration_1.12.2-1.6.0 - - A JEI addon further expanding the information provided by JEI examples burn time, durabilty, max stack size etc
Added - JEI Bees - jeibees- - - A JEI addon adding information about the bees and Trees from forestry.
Added - Iron Chests - ironchest-1.12.2- - - Adds various storage chests, each offer different amount of storage slots.
Added - Integrated Foregoing - IntegrationForegoing-1.12.2-1.10 - - Adds integration between 15 mods a few examples, Tinkers Construct, Immersive Engineering, Ender IO and Thaumcraft
Added - InstantUnify - instantunify-1.12.2-1.1.2 - - Automatically unifies dropped items this is for when mods add the same items like silver, copper etc (I think this goes by inventory so when mining silver from multiple mods it'll go by the first mod you have collected silver from so you only have one stock of silver rather than multiple from different mods imrpoving inventory management)
Added - IndustrialCraft - industrialcraft-2-2.8.221-ex112 - - Adds varius machines and forms of collecting energy.
Added - Industrial Wires - IndustrialWires-1.7-36 - - Adds some features so you can mix IC2 and Immersive Engineers (I think)
Added - Industrial Foregoing - industrialforegoing-1.12.2-1.12.13-237 - - Basically a recreation of the mod MineFactory Reloaded adding various machines used for generating engergy, farming etc
Added - Immersive Petroleum - immersivepetroleum-1.12.2-1.1.9 - - An addon to Immersive Engineering adding oil and oil extraction.
Added - Immersive Engineering - ImmersiveEngineering-0.12-98 - - A mod that tries to offer realistic technology such as machines, and power.
Added - Immersive Cables - ImmersiveCables-1.12.2-1.3.2 - - An immersive engineering addon adding cables which allow other mods to mix with immersive engineering.
Added - Hats - Hats-1.12.2-7.1.1 - - Adds hats, collectable by killing mobs wearing them.
Added - ConnectedTexturesMod - CTM-MC1.12.2- - - Allows textures to be connected.
Added - Controlling - Controlling-3.0.10 - - Adds a search bar to the controls page, useful when multiple mods add a tone of controls and you're struggling to look for the controls for a specific mod.
Added - Future Versions - FutureVersions+v1.3.1 - - Adds features from future versions of Minecraft to older Minecraft versions.
Added - Forestry - forestry_1.12.2- - - Adds bee breeding, tree breeding, automatic farms etc
Added - Extreme Reactors 2 - ExtremeReactors-1.12.2- - - A rework of the Big Reactors mod, adding multiple reactors to obtain energy.
Added - Extra Utilities - extrautils2-1.12-1.9.9 - - Adds various items, blocks to the game.
Added - ExtraCells2 - ExtraCells-1.12.2-2.6.5 - - An addon for AE2 adding larger methods of storage.
Added - Ender Storage 1.8.+ - EnderStorage-1.12.2- - - Improves ender chests, you can now have multiple ender storages colorcoded.
Added - Ender IO - EnderIO-1.12.2-5.2.66 - - Adds various things to the game which integrate with AE2, Open Computers, Forestry and Tinkers.
Added - End Metals - EndMetals-1.12-1.2.0-rc2.67 - - Ever wanted to mine your ores in the end, well now you can. This mod adds an ender varient for all ores you can mine in the overworld.
Added - Enchanting With Thaumcraft - enchantingwiththaumcraft-1.2 - - Adds a method of enchanting through Thaumcraft.
Added - Dark Utilities - DarkUtils-1.12.2-1.8.230 - - Adds various items and blocks to the game examples, Sleep charm allowing players to instantly sleep without the animation, Ender Hoppers and Vector Plates which have the ability to push around mobs.
Added - Bedspreads - cosmeticbeds-1.12.2- - - Use banners to add patterns to your bedspreads.
Added - Cooking for Blockheads - CookingForBlockheads_1.12.2-6.5.0 - - Adds a cooking book with a functional kitchin creating a new fun way to create food in Minecraft.
Added - Chisel - Chisel-MC1.12.2- - - Adds a variety of decorative blocks to Minecraft allowing you to spruce up your base building alot.
Added - ChiseledAdditions - ChiseledAdditions-1.0.0 - - A chisel addon expanding on what the chisel mod can do.
Added - Common Capabilities - CommonCapabilities-1.12.2-2.4.8 - - This mod improves mod interactions allowing capabilities between various mods in this modpack.
Added - Bountiful - Bountiful-2.2.2 - adds a bounty board to villages offering quests which offer rewards once completed.
Added - Botanic Additions - BotanicAdditions-1.12.2-12.2.6 - - An addon for Botania expacting on what Botatia can do.
Added - Botania - Botania+r1.10-363 - - Botania is natural magic mod revolving around flora.
Added - Biomes O' Plenty - BiomesOPlenty-1.12.2- - - A mod that adds various different biomes introduving various blocks, trees, mobs.
Added - BiblioCraft - BiblioCraft[v2.4.5][MC1.12.2] - - A mod based on storing books, copying books etc
Added - Better Advancements - BetterAdvancements-1.12.2- - - An overhaul for the advancements UI.
Added - Baubles - Baubles-1.12-1.5.2 - - An addon which adds additional inventory slots which integrates with mods such as Actually Additions and Thaumcraft.
Added - AromaBackup - AromaBackup-1.12.2- - - A world back up mod designed to automatically back up worlds in single player and multiplayer.
Added - Aroma1997s Dimensional World - Aroma1997s-Dimensional-World-1.12.2- - - A new dimension designed for quarries, no more creating holes in the overworld you should go here to gather ores with guarries instead.
Added - Applied Energistics 2 - appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-7 - - AE2, adds a new way to store items, decorative blocks, tools etc
Added - AppleSkin - AppleSkin-mc1.12-1.0.14 - - A mod which shows you how much hunger you will gain before you consume an item and how much hunger you are going to loose in future.
Added - Akashic Tome - AkashicTome-1.2-12 - - Rather than having multiple how to books mods offer, combine them all into one single book.
Added - AE2 Stuff - ae2stuff- - - An AE2 addon expanding on what the AE2 mod has to offer.
Added - Macaw's Doors - mcw-doors-1.0.0-mc1.12.2 - - Adds more door varients to the game.
Added - Chest Transporter - ChestTransporter-1.12.2-2.8.8 - - Allows a player to pick up a chests with all the items inside and place down in an alterative location.
Added - Construct's Armory - conarm-1.12.2- - - A tinkers construct addon, allowing the player to craft armour rather than just tools.
Added - Tinker's JEI - tinkersjei-1.2 - - A JEI addon adding info about Tinkers Construct.
Added - Thaumic Inventory Scanning - ThaumicInventoryScanning_1.12.2-2.0.10 - - Allows players to scann all items in an inventory rather than just items on the floor.
Added - Blood Magic - BloodMagic-1.12.2-2.4.3-105 - - A magic mod based on using blood to make magical items etc
Added - Blood Arsenal - BloodArsenal-1.12.2-2.2.2-31 - - A mod that expands on what blood magic has to offer.
Added - Corpse - corpse-1.12.2-1.0.8- - A mod which places a corpse of a player when the player dies, the player can see were there last death was via the added UI and return to the body to collect there belongings.
Added - Fossils and Archeology Revival - fossilsarcheology-8.0.4 - - A mod which allows the player to recreate dinosaours DNA and bring them back to life adding them to the Minecraft World.
Added - Neat - Neat+1.4-17 - - Adds a clean UI above mobs displaying there name and HP info.
Added - Random Things - RandomThings-MC1.12.2- - - A mod that hadds vewrious blocks, items and features to the game.
Added - Water Strainer - WaterStrainer-1.12-3.3.0 - - Adds water strainers collect items from flowing water such as gravel, sand, sticks and clay etc
Added - Waystones - Waystones_1.12.2-4.1.0 - - Allows teleportation between waystones, an alterative method of travel for between players bases.
Added - Actually Additions - ActuallyAdditions-1.12.2-r152 - - Adds additional blocks, items, tools and tweaks to vanilla items.
Added - Custom Starter Gear - CustomStartingGear-1.12- - - Allows servers to provide a set of items to new players just starting on a server.
Added - Actually Baubles - ActuallyBaubles-1.12-1.1 - - An addon to baubles which inegrates with Actually Additions.
Added - Additional Banners - AdditionalBanners-1.12.2-1.1.77 - - Adds more banner patterns to the game.
Added - BannerElytra- bannerelytra-1.0 - - Allows players to add banner patterns to elyra.
Added - AIOT Botania - aiotbotania-0.7.1 - - Adds an all in one tool to the game useful for farming.
Added - Item Blacklist - ItemBlacklist-1.4.3 - - Allows servers to add an item blacklist stopping players from using certain items modpacks offer.
Added - Morp-o-Tool - Morph-o-Tool-1.2-21 - - adds one item, the morphing tool. This can mimic any wrench, screwdriver, hammer. Rather than having multiple tools.
JordanThePanda posted a changelog update for PandaaTech 3 years ago


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PandaaTech was updated to version 1.8