Install MultigamingDE-Pokemon

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (MultigamingDE-Pokemon) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select MultigamingDE-Pokemon from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

MultigamingDE-Pokemon Version 5.0.0 Beta

created by MultigamingDE on Minecraft 1.12.2

MultigamingDE-Pokemon updated to version 2.0 Beta

- Added moves: Strength Sap, Baneful Bunker, Mind Blown.

- Added smooth models for Psyduck and Golduck. Those blocky models were incredibly old.

- Added PP-Up and PP-Max for all your PP needs!

- Made Hiroku's Lens impossible to enchant. We probably should've foreseen people putting Unbreaking on these.

- Made Dawn/Dusk Stone Ore about twice as common, as an 7.0.4 change accidentally made them super rare.

- Made Meltan and Melmetal easier to get. Apparantly no one has found it yet. Casuals.

- Changed the spawn rarities of some Ultra Beasts.

- Updated Wobbuffet's model and textures to have lipstick if it's female.

- Added a new Deep Sea block for Ultra Space, low chance to drop Amethyst, Crystal and Sapphire.

- Fixed legendaries spawning regardless of legendarySpawnChance, making them spawn waaay too much.

- Fixed JEI/NEI compatibility on all our GUIs! No more having to hide the JEI screens when interacting with.. well, anything of ours.

- Fixed spectating a battle not displaying the Pokémon in the battle.

- Fixed Turtonator's tutor moves being all wrong.

- Fixed Red Shards being unobtainable.

- Fixed the Timespace Altar taking your plates. It's not the one that uses those.

- Fixed the Unown blocks recipe not working. Also, it no longer consumes the photo in the crafting recipe!

- Fixed the Tapu Pokémon bosses sometimes being invisible.

- Fixed Fomantis's evolution to Lurantis not being given the move Petal Blizzard.

- Fixed Sharpedo not being rideable even though they were surfable.

- Fixed a StackOverflow crash that could happen in Ultra Space due to some recursive world gen.

- Fixed some battle forms not always reverting after battle or before entering a battle.

- Fixed gym signs not displaying the right item icon in some cases.

- Fixed Rock Smash not reverting blocks on Sponge servers even when the player is in Adventure mode.

- Fixed Clothed Tables not dropping their item when broken.

- Fixed Pokérus not spreading to eggs in your party.

- Fixed being able to get rid of all your Pokémon in exchange for eggs. The logic for this is surprisingly complicated.

- Fixed bugged-out trainer Pokémon being catchable. Fat chance of that being possible now. What's that ominous music?

- Fixed interacting with decorative trees causing crashes on servers under particular circumstances.

- Fixed Synchronize being so easy to cheat with its out-of-battle effect that I'm not mad, just disappointed.

- Fixed mail being super easily hackable and, if you can believe it, making it possible to cause chunk reversion. No, really.

- Fixed the Love Ball only working on same-gendered Pokémon. I'm going to very specifically not make a joke about this.

- Fixed happiness not increasing with time out of the Pokéball on Sponge servers. Thanks Sponge™.

- Fixed experience bars flying through the side of the box when leveling to the max level.

- Fixed sounds.json loading from the jar instead of resource packs. You can now change the Pokémon cries from resource packs again.

- Fixed Water Floats sending you underground if you sneak while trying to sit on them.

- Fixed an issue with Ranch Blocks accessing data outside of their block bounds causing issues with other tile entities.

- Fixed PokemonSpec giving abilities before setting the form, causing Pokémon to have the wrong abilities on spawn.

- Fixed a crash on leveling up when you have specific nicknames on your Pokémon.

- Fixed the NPC Editor only checking if the user had OP on servers instead of checking for a permission.

- Fixed /teach displaying Pokémon names as 'null'.

- Fixed Rattata showing up as "Ratatta" in the main config's Ditto transformation section. What even is a Ratatta?

- Battle fixes:

- Fixed Disguise not taking the hit from some moves.
- Fixed Grassy Terrain healing airborne Pokémon.
- Fixed Infestation not being a contact move.
- Fixed Metronome being able to use Z-Moves.
- Fixed HP updates from Potions and Revives not being shown if the Pokémon is not currently out in the battle.
- Fixed OHKO moves not being guaranteed to hit through No Guard, Lock-On, etc.
- Fixed Fissure being guaranteed to hit underground Pokémon. According to Bulbapedia, it's possible but not guaranteed.
API/back-end (for sidemodders):
- Added PixelmonSpawnerEvent for our spawner blocks. And yes, it is cancellable.

- Fixed the BattleEndedEvent's results being inconsistent when the Full Heal battle rule was used in the battle.

- Made BreedEvent.CollectEgg cancelable.

- Fixed LensUsedEvent not being cancellable when all the documentation says it is. Woops.
MultigamingDE posted a changelog update for MultigamingDE-Pokemon 4 years ago


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Latest Update

MultigamingDE-Pokemon was updated to version 5.0.0 Beta