Install Magi-Tech Runners

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Magi-Tech Runners) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Magi-Tech Runners from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Magi-Tech Runners Version a1.2

created by Chaoticcat98 on Minecraft 1.12.2

Magi-Tech Runners updated to version a1.1

a1.1 ----

Changed the start.bat to the following in the server package (Thanks to Holanow for the server package): java -Xms2G -Xmx5G -Dfml.readTimeout=6000 -jar forge.jar nogui


Change made should reduce the number of people having trouble connecting to the server due to timeing out.

VERY IMPORTANT: This server package is kinda suseptible to DDOSing the way they are set up, they're meant only for friends to be able to play with people they trust, not
for full blown server usage, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
That said, you can just alter them on your own to improve, let me know if you wish and I can alter the code on the package side to be better with your code, and will give
you direct credit for that, otherwise again, feel free to alter it however you please.

Added the following mods:

Mekanism Generators --
Numina -- Required for Modular Powersuits but missed the text and wasn't in dependancies page
MrCrayFish's Gun Mod --
Obfuscate --

Removed the following mods:

Headcrumbs -- Caused one player some issues and overall was not a well recieved mod in the pack
Simple Parts Pack -- Didn't work in the modpack
Modern Weapons Pack -- Didn't work in the modpack
Nerf Weapons Pack -- Didn't work in the modpack
FastCraft -- Discontinued since 1.7 lmao, crashed the pack early on and was removed in a1.0 just forgot to update the files.

Updated the following mods:

Modular Powersuits to version 1.12.2-1.0.36

Altered the config files for the following mods:

Rough Mobs:
Set creepers to burn in daylight -- Creepers were pretty nasty in vanilla, now they're just... crazy. This should help a bit.
Set creepers to their original fuse time (1.5 seconds instead of 1) -- Creepers were pretty nasty in vanilla, now they're just... crazy. This should help a bit.
Turned off creeper invisibility -- That's just not a fun time
Reduced chance to disable players with blind or nausia -- Endermen hit like a truck as it is
Turned off steal item chance -- That's just irritating
Made ghasts targetable by projectiles -- Seriously, who thought making them immune to these was a good idea?!
Turned off aggressive attribute if a player breaks a block near the pigman -- Basic Nether Ores does this but better.
General Variables:
Zombie;generic.followRange set to ;0;18 -- It makes more sense that skeletons see you from far away than zombies who are melee in nature.
ZombieVillager;generic.followRange set to ;0;18
husk;generic.followRange set to ;0;18
Spider;generic.followRange set to ;0;18 -- It makes more sense that skeletons see you from far away than spiders who are melee in nature.
Creeper;generic.followRange set to ;0;20 -- Now they make more sense for how far they see you from before they sprint at you.
ZombiePigman;generic.followRange set to ;0;22 -- A bit more than zombies, a bit less than the original values the mod gave
Slime;generic.followRange set to ;0;22 -- A bit more than other melee mobs because hop = height, but less than the mod origially had set.
Witch;generic.followRange set to ;0;25 -- Night Vision is a thing.
Skeleton;generic.followRange;0;25 -- They're ranged, it makes sense they see things farther away
Wither_skeleton;generic.followRange;0;30 -- Unchanged value, they are typically defending a fortress, they see all.
B:"Auto jump hotkey"=false
B:"Better fire effect"=false
B:"Chest search bar"=false
B:"Food tooltip"=false
B:"Greener grass"=false
Management: re-enabled
B:"Automatic tool restock"=false -- Already have a mod for that
B:"Better craft shifting"=false -- Already have a mod for that
B:"Allow crafting stone tools using flint"=false
B:"Automatic recipe unlock"=false -- That's what jei is for
B:"Axes break leaves"=false
B:"Blastproof shulker boxes"=false
B:"Dye any wool"=false
B:"Endermen anti cheese"=false -- Rough mobs makes things hard enough
B:Basalt=false -- already exists in another mod
Pam's HarvestCraft:
B:enablevanillafoodBalance=false -- It was the best I could do to make early game less painful
Chaoticcat98 posted a changelog update for Magi-Tech Runners 5 years ago


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Latest Update

Magi-Tech Runners was updated to version a1.2