Install Machines and Magic Futuristics

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Machines and Magic Futuristics) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Machines and Magic Futuristics from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Machines and Magic Futuristics Version 2.9.1

created by partyghoul2000 on Minecraft 1.7.10

Machines and Magic Futuristics updated to version 1.5

==v1.5== [February 21, 2016]
*Added & tweaked custom recipes
*Added & tweaked various EMC values
*Added & tweaked various loot table chances
*Added a ton of new Chocolate Quest dungeons
*Added Chocobo Feather Block to Ghoul's Stuff
*Added Gold Pile & Gold Coin Block to Ghoul's Stuff
*Added economy with gold & platinum coins, piles & blocks
*Added gold coin drops to bosses & most "human-like" mobs
*Added nether titanium to nether ore gen
*Added new NPC skins to Chocolate Quest dungeon creation
*Added Platinum Coin, Pile & Block to Ghoul's Stuff
*Added Player Rugs 1.1.2
*Added ReCubed 1.1-4
*Added Spectre Iron Block to Ghoul's Stuff
*Changed ichor wand cap recipe
*Changed some death messages
*Converted villagers over to new economy system
*Doubled Chocolate Quest village generation chance
*Disabled artifact forge
*Disabled lost miner mob
*Disabled treasure slime mob
*Enhanced Portals now require power
*Fixed dimensional doors dropping as themselves
*Fixed greatwood & silverwood slab recipes
*Fixed IC2 recipes being able to use Mekanism circuits
*Fixed ice & packed ice not being chiselable
*Fixed key conflicts
*Fixed leaping potion effect conflicting with wither potion effect
*Fixed special MineFactory Reloaded rubber saplings being in the loot tables...FOR REALS!
*Fixed potential infinite gold coin exploit
*Fixed wither skeletons acting odd with certain mods
*Lowered breeding bee princess spawning chance
*Lowered butterfly spawn rate
*Lowered music disc loot chest chance
*Made red & brown mushroom blocks chiselable
*Moved Dimensional Doors & ProjectE into Thaumcraft research
*Updated Automagy to 0.27.1
*Updated Carpenter's Blocks to 3.3.8 dev r8
*Updated ComputerCraft to 1.75
*Updated Custom Stuff 2 to 0.11.29
*Updated Electro-Magic Tools to 1.2.5
*Updated Et Futurum to 1.5.4
*Updated Forbidden Magic to 0.573
*Updated Forge to
*Updated Headcrumbs to 1.7.3
*Updated Gadomancy to
*Updated Garden Stuff to 1.7.0
*Updated Magia Naturalis to 0.1.5b
*Updated ProjectE to 1.9.5
*Updated Tainted Magic to
partyghoul2000 posted a changelog update for Machines and Magic Futuristics 6 years ago


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Latest Update

v2.9.1 is out to fix some recipe conflicts & fix a world breaking crash.