Install Machines and Magic Futuristics

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Machines and Magic Futuristics) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Machines and Magic Futuristics from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Machines and Magic Futuristics Version 2.9.1

created by partyghoul2000 on Minecraft 1.7.10

Machines and Magic Futuristics updated to version 0.7

==v0.7== [March 22, 2015] [**beta release**]
*Added a few items to Chocolate Quest loot tables
*Added a few more custom recipes
*Added Automagy 0.21
*Added BugfixMod 2.5.0
*Added Character On Gui 1.3
*Added ChickenShed 1.1.3
*Added Dimensional Doors 2.2.5 test8
*Added EMC values to some items & blocks
*Added Ender IO
*Added Headcrumbs 1.3.1
*Added MoarSigns 1.1.4
*Added Refined Relocation 1.0.7g
*Added Thaumcraft Node Tracker 1.0.4
*Added Thaumic Exploration 1.1-37
*Added Thaumic Horizons 1.1
*Added Thermal Dynamics 1.0.0RC7-98
*Added WorldEdit 6.0 beta-01
*Added Xray Glass to Ghoul's Stuff
*Changed some recipes to make them less over-powered
*Decreased uranium ore in world gen
*Disabled Cave Slime
*Disabled Under Slime
*Enabled Festive Creeper
*Enabled pet & villager gravestone generation
*Fixed a few metadata errors in the Chocolate Quest loot tables
*Fixed Blocklings recipes from crashing the client
*Fixed chalk being chiselable into marble
*Fixed Ghoul's Stuff liquid container blocks returning buckets on crafting
*Fixed snow castles spawning in the end
*Fixed some furnace fuel code
*Increased oil well generation
*Moved thaumcraft wand info back to the bottom left corner
*Removed 4space due to server hanging
*Removed Expanded Rails Mod due to being generally overpowered
*Removed MapWriter due to not saving maps or waypoints
*Rolled Damage Indicators back to 3.2.0 to fix mob icons
*Slightly increased clay & hardened clay in world gen
*Slightly increased diamond ore in world gen
*Slightly increased nether quartz ore in nether world gen
*Slightly increased salt block in world gen
*Updated Additional BuildCraft Objects to 2.4
*Updated Antique Atlas to 4.2.2
*Updated Atum to 0.6.54
*Updated BiblioCraft to 1.10.2
*Updated BlastCraft to
*Updated BuildCraft to 6.4.3
*Updated BuildCraft Compat to 6.4.0
*Updated CodeChickenCore to
*Updated CoFH Core to 3.0.0RC7-211
*Updated ComputerCraft to 1.73
*Updated EnderStorage to
*Updated Forbidden Magic to 0.561
*Updated Galacticraft Core to
*Updated Galacticraft Planets to
*Updated Garden Stuff to 1.5.3
*Updated IndustrialCraft 2 to 2.2.691
*Updated Loot++ to 0.12
*Updated Mekanism to
*Updated Mekanism Generators to
*Updated Mekanism Tools to
*Updated MicdoodleCore to
*Updated MineFactory Reloaded to 2.8.0RC8-86
*Updated ModTweaker to 0.7.1
*Updated MrTJPCore to
*Updated Not Enough Items to
*Updated ProjectE to 1.4.1
*Updated ProjectRed Base to
*Updated ProjectRed Compat to
*Updated ProjectRed Integration to
*Updated ProjectRed Lighting to
*Updated ProjectRed Mechanical to
*Updated ProjectRed World to
*Updated Redstone Arsenal to 1.1.0RC7-65
*Updated Thermal Expansion to 4.0.0RC7-141
*Updated Thermal Foundation to 1.0.0RC7-62
*Updated Tinker's Construct to 1.8.3b
*Updated Tinker's Mechworks to
*Updated Twilight Forest to 2.3.4
*Updated Waila to 1.5.9
partyghoul2000 posted a changelog update for Machines and Magic Futuristics 6 years ago


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Latest Update

v2.9.1 is out to fix some recipe conflicts & fix a world breaking crash.