Install GM Industry

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (GM Industry) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select GM Industry from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

GM Industry Version 1.72

created by hanakocz on Minecraft 1.7.10

GM Industry updated to version 1.54

Buildcraft 6.1.8 -> 6.2.6 <br>
- nove trubky (dia trubka na tekutiny)<br>
- jde opet davat vic motoru za sebe pro scitani vykonu<br>
- trubky jdou obarvit (napr. IC valeckem) <br>
Galacticraft -> <br>
- hlavne bugfixy <br>
IC2 2.2.653 -> 2.2.658 <br>
- hlavne bugfixy <br>
Forestry -> <br>
- hlavne bugfixy <br>
PFAA 0.2.11 -> 0.2.23 <br>
- Conglomerate can drop copper nuggets, garnet sand can drop gold, silver and electrum nuggets<br>
- Glauconite is now a sand instead of a rock <br>
- snad lepsi textury <br>
GalacticGreg 0.2 -> 0.5 <br>
- generovani asteroidu v GC dimenzi lepsi <br>
- moznost generovat asteroidy v Endu (bude s resetem endu v budoucnu) <br>
Bibliocraft 1.8.2 -> 1.9.1 <br>
- novy item : atlas -> knizka s mapami <br>
- Custom Paintings -> pokud chcete vlastni obrazy na serveru, dodejte mi PNG soubory :) <br>
- bugfixy <br>
Carpenters blocks 3.3.0 -> <br>
- bugfixy, par novych drobnosti <br>
Chisel 1.5.7 -> Chisel 2 2.2.1 <br>
Ae2 : rv1 s 1 -> rv2 b6 <br>
- bugfixy <br>
Extracells : -> 2.2.23b43 <br>
GregTech 5.06.04 -> 5.07.05 <br>
- novy typy sipu z gemu <br>
- sklenene sipy plnitelne lektvarama (instant dmg nemuze fungovat, ale vse ostatni jo -> otraveny sipy, regen sipy atd) <br>
- repeatery vyrobitelne v assembleru <br>
- small Gears (1 Unit), Springs (1 Unit), small Springs (1/4 Unit), the Rotors, Long Sticks (1 Unit) <br>
- Some Tools now require higher Tier Tool Rods depending on their weight (so no longer just Wooden Handles) <br>
- Buzzsaw for Crafting more efficiently (And Buzzsaw Blades as new Toolhead Item). <br>
- Electric Screwdriver. <br>
- Electric Tools now require small Gears (those replace 2 of the Plates of the Power Unit), except for the Jackhammer which now needs a Spring and a Long Stick <br>
- Electric Pistons now use small Gears rather than the large Gears. <br>
- A very simple Timber Functionality to the Axe . And ONLY to the GT Axe. <br>
- Fine Wires (which are not placeable). Gotten by wiremilling a regular Wire, or if no regular Wire exists, from wiremilling Ingots/Sticks directly. Hand Craftable by cutting Foils. <br>
hanakocz posted a changelog update for GM Industry 9 years ago


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Latest Update

GM Industry was updated to version 1.72