Install Freckcraft 1.7.10

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Freckcraft 1.7.10) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Freckcraft 1.7.10 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Freckcraft 1.7.10 Version 7.07

created by DieFlemm on Minecraft 1.7.10

Freckcraft 1.7.10 updated to version pre-V7.0b

Changelog pre-V7.0b - MAY BREAK OLD WORLDS!

Travel Overhaul - (Make Horses great again)
Decreased the overall speed the player can archive to make all the methods
a player can use to travel more viable. In order to encourage the use
different travel methods a Stamina System for Sprinting was added. Teleportation
Devices now use more energy and their recipes changed to be more costly.

- MatterOverdrive removed
- MoarPeripherals removed
- JABBA removed
- LavaMonster removed
- Totemic removed
- WolfArmor removed
- JAFFA removed

- DarwinSprintingSystem added
- Speedometer added
- Balkans WeaponMod added
- SignPosts added
- SimplyPaths added
- NotEnoughPets added
- BiggerTrees added
- Netherlicious added
- Netherrite+ added
- SoundFilters added
- tcinventoryscan added
- Natura added
- Buildcraft-Silicon added
- Buildcraft-Compat added
- UpToDateMod added
- Technomancy added

- Computercraft updated
- ForbiddenMagic updated

Recipes and Balance:
- Standart Minecraft Config changed (Key+Graphic)
- Crop growth speed increased
- Well fed will increase Stamina and stamina-reg speed
- Hangglider recipe changed, endgame item
- AR2 Dilithium only generates on Mun now
- AR2 LaserDrill recipe changed
- IE Excavator is now faster and less likly to fail
- Leadstone Jetpack upgradeable to Hardened Jetpack
- Leadstone Jetpack performance slightly improved
- Jetplate finetuning, shouldnt cause falldamge anymore
- Vending Machine as Rewards
- TC Fixed Rail to Iron duping exploit
- HQM Legendary Rewards improved
- ST Changed Traits of tinker tools
- TC Melting Temperature of Redstone and Coal reduced
- TE Strongbox and Lock recipe changed
- AM2 Moonstone Meteor spawning set to Level50
- AM2 Moonstone recipe added
- Stargates require more power now
- AM2 Gateway recipe changed
- TE Teleport Plate recipe changed
- TC4 Harness reactivated
- Cardbox recipe changes, inventory increased
- Solar Panels recipes changed
- Villagers can now sell chicken, pig, cow and horse spawn eggs (wild)
- Nether ores are less rare
- Nether ores explosion radius increased
- Changed Nether difficulty
- TC Boots of the Voidwalker deactivated
- TE Flux-plated Ducts and Fluctuating ducts support hihger engery flow, recipes changed
- AE2 Increased Network Energy consumption
- Natura Blazerail recipe changed
- Early Game Quests now reward oak saplings to close the infamous oak wood gap
- Changed BoP Berry Bush Reward to Natura Malo Berry Bushes
- AE2 Wireless Connector energy consumption fixed
- BC Matter Replication with BC Lasers added
- IE Removed Wire loss
- IE Changed LV Capacitor Recipe
- IE Changed Wire and Connector Recipes
- IE Waterwheel recipe changed
- Added FoodGroups to balance buff food
- TE Added plantoil as fuel for reactant dynamo
- TE Added ethanol as fuel for compression dynamo
- TC Changed Cheat Sheet to a position later in the quest tree
- TC Golemball Research shows changed recipe
- TC Added a super node crafting recipe

- Matter Fabrication removed
- Thaumaturges Guide overhaul
- A call to Nature overhaul
- Changed Quest progression
(Farming, Mag.Agriculture, Blacksmith, Energy&you, Mana, Monster Hunt, Storage)
- Jack of all trades Reputation added
- Bloodmagic Startgear added
- Brewmaster Overhaul
DieFlemm posted a changelog update for Freckcraft 1.7.10 3 years ago


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Latest Update

Freckcraft 1.7.10 was updated to version 7.07