Install Dynamite TestRange

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Dynamite TestRange) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Dynamite TestRange from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Dynamite TestRange Version 1.12.2d

created by HaXr on Minecraft 1.12.2

Dynamite TestRange updated to version 1.10.2k

+= Replaced RebornTech with IndustrialCraft2 (RebornTech is basically a copycat mod of IC2)
+= Replaced RefinedStorage with AppliedEnergistics2 (Same story)
+= Replaced Backpacks! with Bagginses due to it being continuously updated (Which Backpacks! doesn’t)
+ Added Mekanism to somewhat substitute for the lack of Thermal Expansion
+ Added AE2Stuff which is an add-on for AppliedEnergistics2
+ Added “Ping” which plays a sound whenever your name is mentioned in the chat. (This may get removed if it doesn’t work as intended and becomes an annoyance)
- Removed BetterMinecraftChat since I found it very displeasing to look at.
- Removed EasyBreeding from the server, to minimize lag caused by giant animal farms. (Animals will still eat thrown food in singleplayer)
- Removed ActuallyAdditions because it is no longer necessary when its features are already covered by other mods. Not to mention that the mod doesn’t complement the other mods very well in the first place.

= The modpack should now be able to connect to vanilla servers without mod restrictions. A big thanks to the modders of MineTweakerRecipeMaker and UniDict for fixing this issue of mine :D. (This is very important for my plans to make a 1.10.2 modded multiserver network)
= All mods have been updated to their latest versions together with Forge and SpongeForge for the server.
hax165 posted a changelog update for Dynamite TestRange 7 years ago


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Latest Update

Dynamite TestRange was updated to version 1.12.2d