Install DNS Tech Pack for Technic Pack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (DNS Tech Pack for Technic Pack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select DNS Tech Pack for Technic Pack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

DNS Tech Pack for Technic Pack Version

created by popos1 on Minecraft 1.10.2

DNS Tech Pack for Technic Pack updated to version

DNS Techpack v7.8.10.1 - IAmOmicron

Updated: (1)
- Draconic Evolution
- Mystcraft is now OPTIONAL.

Added: (1)
- ModTweaker

Changes and tweaks:
- Raw Iron, Raw Steel, Steel block, Fools Iron and Fools Gold are now smeltable in the Smeltery.
- Raw Iron and Raw Steel can now be used to repair the appropriate tinkers tools.
- Added many more ores to the MFR laser drill! Thanks to 'Magiplay'! (Most ores can now be found by the MFR laser drill)
- Liteloader tweaks. Should boot faster?

- Edged Glass and other Extra Utils glass can be made/chiselled/exchanged using a Chisel.
- Sheep Essence now makes wool, as intended.
- Removed 'BotanyTrowels' script
- Calculator Assembly recipe changed to match the new recipe in the mod

- Mystcraft is now optional due to a large amount of requests to make it so. We still have RFTools Dimensions though

DNS Techpack v7.8.10.0 - IAmOmicron

Updated: (12)
- DragonAPI
- ElecCore
- ElectriCraft
- ExtraCells 2
- Forestry
- Logistics Pipes
- Mekanism
- OpenComputers
- ReactorCraft
- RotaryCraft
- Simple Labels
- VoxelMap

Changes and tweaks:
- Potions now visible in NEI
- Small fixes to a few configs. (No game changes, just for consistency)

DNS Techpack v7.8.9.0 - IAmOmicron

Updated: (7)
- Backpacks
- DraconicEvolution
- EnderCore
- Ender IO
- Logistics Pipes
- NotEnoughIDs
- OpenComputers

Backdated Funky Locomotion to stop crashes when no players are nearby.

Changes and tweaks:
- Wooden trapdoors from Malisis Doors can now be swapped 1:1 for vanilla trap doors.
- Agricraft Emerald nuggets now craftable into emeralds.

- HOPEFULLY fixed the 'enter the nether and crash' bug. If you still experience this bug, please inform me ASAP.
- Engineers Toolbox gasses Flat Bedrock compat switched back on.

DNS Techpack v7.8.8.2 - IAmOmicron

Changes and tweaks:
- Reverted Engineer Toolbox / Gascraft change from last release as it was causing issues.
- Configs updated and fixed as there were some oddities and corruptions in the upload for due to bad internet.

- HOPEFULLY fixed the 'enter the nether and crash' bug. If you still experience this bug, please regenerate the nether. Sorry :(
- As an alternative to the nether crash if you still experience it, you can remove fastcraft and this should fix the issue.
- Fixed some Agricraft mutations being missing

DNS Techpack v7.8.8.1 - IAmOmicron

Updated: (9)
- Calculator
- DragonAPI
- Forestry
- Iguana Tweaks
- Logistics Pipes
- Practical Logistics
- ReactorCraft
- RotaryCraft
- Sonar Core

- BACKDATED Compact Machines as it was not allowing some players to use single player worlds at all. (WHY THOUGH?!)

Changes and tweaks:
- MFR Rubber Trees now work with Forestry farms
- Added more mutation to Agricraft list as some were missing. (Sataana finding ALL the bugs...)

- Fixed OpenComputers Diamond Chip recipe conflict. New recipe requires 2 diamond, but yields twice as many chips.
- Fixed Emerald crafting with MagicalCrops emerald essence.
- Fixed ITT script. (No more errors if not installed)
- Engineers Tolbox / GasCraft gasses - Flat Bedrock compat enabled.

DNS Techpack v7.8.8.0 - The Thermos Update - IAmOmicron

Updated: (4)
- Big Reactors
- MobiusCore (Edited to work with Thermos)
- Nuclear Control 2
- Open Computers

Added: (1)
- Thermos! (Server Only - Optional) - Bukkit/Spigot for forge servers. Think Cauldron, but better.

Changes and tweaks:
- Creeper greifing turned off. For real this time. (I forgot. My bad!)

- Fixed Emerald Block -> Emerald crafting
- Fixed Diamond Block -> Diamond crafting
- RotaryCraft wooden gear fix.
- Wooden Lattice recipe clash
- Enderman Head fix (Can swap ITT and EnderIO variants)
- Weather Crystal recipe (Diamond/Cake/Lava/Water as per the EnderIO wiki)

- If you use Thermos, be sure to read the installation instructions at for more information and startup scripts.
- Again, if using Thermos and you encounter a bug, please report the bug to:

DNS Techpack v7.8.7.0 - IAmOmicron

Updated: (11)
- Another Ones Bits the Dust
- Armourer's Workshop
- DragonAPI
- Electricraft
- Equivalent Exchange
- IndustrialCraft 2
- Logistics Pipes
- Reactorcraft
- RotaryCraft
- VoxelMap

- Compact Machines (NOTE: May be reverted. Read bottom for more info)
- Magical crops now moved to optional. Remember to check this box if you have used it!

Changes and tweaks:
- Magical Crops is now an optional mod. It's a controversial mod, so, now you get to choose! Make sure to tick it in the mod list if you have used it.
- Backdated EnderIO to version as the farming machine was not working in - Thanks Trojan for pointing this out.
- CodeChickenCore: mobGriefing is now set to true. This overrides server rules, and would also need to be disabled every update. So from now on, if you wish to disable it use the /gamerule command

- Reverted NEID DataWatcher extension as this was causing some server issues.
- Fixed UsefulDNS exploit (emerald = 4 diamonds rather than 2) Thanks to RubTheTumTum for informing me!

- Compact Machines: Updated to the latest version after a long time. Used to cause crashes on world load. I'm testing it with the latest version of the pack, and it seems to be working as it should now. If anyone else however has issues, please report them immediately and I will revert this change.
- AOBD: Mod has removed RotaryCraft support, so don't be alarmed if you world says missing items. It's normal. Click continue or /fml confirm for servers!

DNS Techpack v7.8.6.3 - The streamer's update! - IAmOmicron

Changes and tweaks:
- Agricraft now accepts the use of RandomThings 'Fertilised Dirt' and GardenCore 'Garden Soil'. (Sataana)
- Increased DataWatcher limit in NEIDs to *hopefully* fix issues with missing blocks or items, such as FZ colossi or AOBD items.
- No longer require a Factorization manual to look up items.
- Although rare, mobs should no longer spawn with your armour.
- Removed another update checker. I'm looking at you chickenbones...
- I can see clearly now the fog has gone! - Desert biomes are no longer overridden by BoP, so no longer do you have that annoying desert fog.

- MFR unifier now stops unifying amber ore as this could have prevented progress in BoP and Thaumcraft if used. (Sataana)
- MFR unifier now stops unifying dirt. Because having chiselled dirt instead of Mycelium or Podzol was silly. Bad unifier.(Sataana)
- Translocator crafting grid can no longer be placed in-world. (This was the press C on the ground function) This is a workaround 'fix' for some dupe bugs. (Thanks to Choob and itanshi for bringing this to my attention!)

DNS Techpack v7.8.6.2 - The streamer's update! - IAmOmicron

Changes and tweaks:
- Agricraft now accepts the use of RandomThings 'Fertilised Dirt' and GardenCore 'Garden Soil'. (Sataana)
- Increased DataWatcher limit in NEIDs to *hopefully* fix issues with missing blocks or items, such as FZ colossi or AOBD items.
- No longer require a Factorization manual to look up items.
- Although rare, mobs should no longer spawn with your armour.
- Removed another update checker. I'm looking at you chickenbones...
- I can see clearly now the fog has gone! - Desert biomes are no longer overridden by BoP, so no longer do you have that annoying desert fog.

- MFR unifier now stops unifying amber ore as this could have prevented progress in BoP and Thaumcraft if used. (Sataana)
- MFR unifier now stops unifying dirt. Because having chiselled dirt instead of Mycelium or Podzol was silly. Bad unifier.(Sataana)
- Translocator crafting grid can no longer be placed in-world. (This was the press C on the ground function) This is a workaround 'fix' for some dupe bugs. (Thanks to Choob and itanshi for bringing this to my attention!)

DNS Techpack v7.8.6.1 - IAmOmicron

Changes and tweaks:
- Flat bedrock is now 3 thick. This is to prevent world holes when harvesting bedrock for RotaryCraft. (Thanks james1226!)

DNS Techpack v7.8.6.0 - IAmOmicron

Updated: (46)
- Advanced Generators
- Applied Energistics 2
- Backpacks
- BiblioCraft
- Binnie Patcher
- Buildcraft Compat
- Calculator
- Carpenter's Blocks
- Draconic Evolution
- DragonAPI
- ElectriCraft
- Ender IO
- Ender Core
- Extra Cells
- Extra TiC
- Factorization
- Forestry
- Gendustry
- HEXCraft
- Immersive Engineering
- Iv Toolkit
- Logistics Pipes
- Matter Overdrive
- Mekanism
- Modular Powersuits
- Mystcraft
- NotEnoughIDs
- NotEnoughItems
- IC2 Nuclear Control
- OpenComputers
- Peripherals++
- Practical Logistics
- Project E
- Railcraft
- ReactorCraft
- ResourceLoader
- RotaryCraft
- SimpleLabels
- Sonar Core
- Thaumic Energistics
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Foundation
- Tinkers' Construct
- Translocator
- VoxelMap

Added: (2)
- (Optional) Forbidden Magic (At request of user)
- (Optional) Thaumic Exploration (At request of user)

Changes and tweaks:
- Flat bedrock has been enabled. This should help with Factorization and also changes all new AND existing chunks to flat bedrock.
- Mekanism Tin no longer spawns. (This was meant to be disabled last time. Oops!)
- With Iguana Tweaks enabled, you can now repair your tools in the crafting grid. (This one's for you Sataana!)

- Fixed Modular Powersuits recipes (Hopefully)
- Iron Lattice / Iron Gear recipe fixes (Lattice changed)
- Fixed item tooltips displaying 2/3 versions of the item's dev name (Again, hopefully! - If not, press and hold F3, then H. (F3+H))
- Fixed inability to craft blackout curtains
popos1 posted a changelog update for DNS Tech Pack for Technic Pack 7 years ago


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Latest Update

DNS Tech Pack for Technic Pack was updated to version