Install BatiCraft: Realistic 3

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (BatiCraft: Realistic 3) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select BatiCraft: Realistic 3 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

BatiCraft: Realistic 3 Version 3.3.7

created by Topaz Serie Pack A on Minecraft 1.7.10

BatiCraft: Realistic 3 updated to version 3.0.1

-> Using Forge version 1.7.10-
-> List of mods:
¤ AE2 Addons - Intelligent Energistics
¤ AE2 Addons - TechAddON
¤ Aroma 1997 Core
¤ Armor Status HUD
¤ Asie Lib
¤ Auto Crafter 2000
¤ Back Pack
¤ Better World Generation
¤ BiblioCraft
¤ BiblioWood (Boime O'Plenty)
¤ Biome O'Plenty
¤ BuildCraft
¤ Carpenters Blocks
¤ Chicken Chunks
¤ Chisel
¤ Code Chicken Core
¤ CoFHCore
¤ Custom Mob Spawner
¤ D3 Core
¤ Damage Indicators
¤ DrZarks Mo'Creature
¤ Electrical Age
¤ Extra Cells 2
¤ Factorisation
¤ Grave Stone
¤ IC2 Addons - Advanced Machines
¤ IC2 Addons - Advanced Solar Panel
¤ IC2 Addons - Gravitation Suite
¤ IC2 Addons - IC2 Nuclear Control
¤ iChun - Death Counter
¤ iChun - Hats
¤ iChun - HatsStand
¤ iChun Utils
¤ Immibis Core
¤ Industrial Craft 2
¤ Inventory Tweaks
¤ Iron Chest
¤ Journey Map
¤ Mine Factory Reloaded
¤ Modular Powersuits
¤ Not Enough Items
¤ Numina
¤ Open Blocks
¤ Open Computer
¤ Open Mods Lib
¤ Ore Dictionary Converter
¤ Redlogic
¤ Resonant Engine
¤ Soul Shard Reborn
¤ Status Effect HUD
¤ ThaumCraft 4
¤ Tree Capitator
¤ Twilight Forest
¤ Universal Electricity
¤ Waila
¤ Waila Harvestability
Azertopaz78 posted a changelog update for BatiCraft: Realistic 3 10 years ago


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Latest Update

BatiCraft: Realistic 3 was updated to version 3.3.7