Install Industrial Age The Turning

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Industrial Age The Turning) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Industrial Age The Turning from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Industrial Age The Turning Version 1.2.0

created by enterprise12 on Minecraft 1.19.2
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plz add extra utilities, agricraft and solar expansion
Ander277 8 years ago
I have a problem when playing on a private local server downloaded via the link on this side. Since version 9.6.7 of the server, the runic shielding from Thaumcraft is not applied correctly. Damage I take will take away from my normal HP and the shield at the same time (even though the shield has still charge left). It also seems like the higher the amount of shielding I have is, the more damage I will take up to the point where it seems like I am not wearing any armor at all, or worse. This problem only occurs to me when playing on the downloadable server files, not in Singleplayer.
Tigerfox 8 years ago
this is probably a problem with Thermos, please report it here: we are using B23 as its the most stable, feel free to try the newer versions, if it still persists on B31 report it!
Posted by enterprise12 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
I have no footstep sounds at all. Is there a way to fix this? I always have sound problems in this mod pack for some reason.
Drizzzle 8 years ago
nobody else has this problem, all i can say is adjust the sound settings
Posted by enterprise12 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
I've tried, it's like what more can I adjust when I max them all out and noting still happens. Its not just that though its also ambient/environment sound, anytime i go underwater and pop back up, it resets to 100 again. It's really annoying ;/
Posted by Drizzzle 8 years ago
the ambient is normal, its a bug, as for the footsteps, it works on vanilla blocks and most modded blocks, but not all. otherwise idk
Posted by enterprise12 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
Alrighty, thanks.
Posted by Drizzzle 8 years ago
Is the server down? It says I can't connect, from both the title screen and the multiplayer menu.
Inazuma261 8 years ago
So when I boot up game after the update - 181 mods are active out of 186, Millenaire isn't on the list of loaded mods in-game. However the folders are still located in the right place, I've already re-downloaded the pack, any other ideas?
Mithrindil 9 years ago
millenaire was removed, but updating does not remove the folders
Posted by enterprise12 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
No luggage in this modpack? or do i have to add it myself?
DeadlyDaedric 9 years ago
if its a mod, yes i do not have it added. if you want to make a mod suggestion, please post it on the forums at
Posted by enterprise12 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
oh nvm i figured it out I just need to get the 64-bit java update
DeadlyDaedric 9 years ago
I have a problem I updated my java to play your mod pack like the requirements said to do, to 1.8 but i can't run more then 1 gb of ram on java 1.8 for some reason.
DeadlyDaedric 9 years ago
My game freezes on the staring game screen that says mojang. i cant get past it. fix? i have java 64 bit to run it but nothing works.
draginboy11 9 years ago
Make sure your giving the launcher at least 3gb of ram, its also normal for it to freeze for about 1 minute since its generating all the mods in the world. There is java 64 bit, and then the correct 64 bit java. Please look at the Overview tab page and scroll down until you find where it says how to install the correct java.
Posted by enterprise12 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
I got the version of java that i need and uninstalled the old ones. still no difference.
Posted by draginboy11 9 years ago
Did you give the launcher enough ram? how much ram does your pc have
Posted by enterprise12 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
I can not bring up the Thaumcraft GUI to change wand foci (while holding any wand and having one or more foci on the inventory or focus pouch). It does not work for me in Singleplayer and Multiplayer. I also tried changing the keybind for it, without success. A friend of mine has the same problem. Any suggestions on how to fix this?
Tigerfox 9 years ago
make sure the keybind isnt red (that means its conflicting)
Posted by hubb2001 9 years ago
my player base confirms it works, "You need to hold the button, and make sure the keybind you changed it to is NOT red"
Posted by enterprise12 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
I think you have to hold to button instead of pressing it once.
Posted by mic_killer987 9 years ago
Got it working. I must have overlooked something the first time I went through the keybinds. Thanks for the quick replies.
Posted by Tigerfox 9 years ago
Used to work before the forced update to 9.5. Thaumometer crafting is broken in Multiplayer server. Try to craft it. Some times appears to work other it doesn't but when it does it returns to ingots, glass and shards after a while or if you try to move or use. Drop wont work either. The server has a newly generated map. Works fine on single player though. Without it, its not worth doing Thaumcraft.
WraShadow 9 years ago
wouldn't know if thaumcraft is broken the server isn't up yet lol
Posted by shaggy179 9 years ago
Server download option is there just for show..?
Posted by WraShadow 9 years ago
that would be a question for enterprise to answer
Posted by shaggy179 9 years ago
Can you tell me what mod its from? Thaumcraft hasnt been updated, some of its addon mods were, if theres a patch for them i'll update it
Posted by enterprise12 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
Its straight up Thaumcraft. like 2nd thing you craft before you can do anything else. I got a friend to help me debug it. He crafted at his place with no problem. When he came to my place and used my things he couldn't craft it. After a while he could do it again with different things but we went back to his base and he tried with new things just collected and couldn't. I think it's a problem of nbt data of glass or gold. Something like that happened when I was trying to craft a simple jetpack (the most basic) and tried to craft the Trusters (if I remember correctly) it wouldn't use the lead from Tinker's Construct. I had to smelt straight up from the furnace. However, both Gold ingots and Glass are Vanilla entities/blocks and the shards shouldnt have been affected by GregTech so Im puzzled.
Posted by WraShadow 9 years ago
On the previous version, I crafted 3 all at once with no problem so must be something changed between the versions. It shouldn't be but when I try to craft with Shift Click I see Gold pipe (couldn't determine which) as the result of crafting. but that might just be because after supposedly using the shards, the recipe remaining is that one.
Posted by WraShadow 9 years ago
Thaumcraft wasnt changed, i recommend trying to see if it happens on a new world, if it still happens make a video of it, i will be checking with others
Posted by enterprise12 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
It doesn't matter now since the client version and server version are incompatible and no updated version of the server. I'll have to change the modpack. Thanks anyway.
Posted by WraShadow 9 years ago
How are they incompatible? I upload both server and client files at the same time
Posted by enterprise12 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
Uploaded to where? Version of launcher is 9.6.1 but when I use Server download button is 9.5. I even tried replacing mod folder of th server, as well as replace other files but it's no good. I even tried updating KCauldron but still get some random EnderIO exception. "EnderIO: Found the following problem(s) with your installation: "An unsupported base software is installed: 'kcauldron, cauldron, craftbukkit, mcpc'. This is NOT supported." This may have caused the error. Try reproducing the crash WITHOUT this/these mod(s) before reporting it."
Posted by WraShadow 9 years ago
On the right where it says "Server Download" I just havent renamed it to version 9.6.1, but it has all the updated files the public server and others have confirmed as working. This is using the latest KCauldron 1614.175 I cannot disclose where i get this source, as cauldron isnt suppose to be distributed in the first place. If you have tried a fresh start of a world on the server files, let me know. If like it should be, starts on a fresh world, and your old world wont load on the server, send me the fml.latest.log and latest.log in the logs folder where you have your server files
Posted by enterprise12 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
Thank you. I wasnt aware of the file name not being up to date. I uploaded it and works fine now. At least from what I could gather. Again, thank you. Cheers.
Posted by WraShadow 9 years ago
your welcome, enjoy!
Posted by enterprise12 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
Still on track for the server re-opening some time this new years?
DiscordantDonut 9 years ago
Will all the mods be updated when a new pack version comes? I see quite a few mods that are outdated
estplayer 9 years ago
yes i will try to put it together tomorrow, just been busy with the Holidays
Posted by enterprise12 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
You should add extra cells to this mod pack that would be good
mattyb1515 9 years ago
it is in this modpack already
Posted by enterprise12 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
Really? when playing it i couldn't find any of it ?
Posted by mattyb1515 9 years ago
you can check the mods folder, its there
Posted by enterprise12 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
You too Enterprise! Hey, could you possibly add Treecapitator to the pack? :D
EvilShenanigans 9 years ago
it is in this modpack lol
Posted by enterprise12 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
Hope everyone had a a great Thanksgiving! Dont worry, im still here!
enterprise12 9 years ago
Hey, please, add some Mobs mod, i mean, this modpack is the best i find and the best to play, but is boring, we need more mobs
zabattaro 9 years ago
i will be adding Animals Plus at some point
Posted by enterprise12 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
what is going on with the sever
Legobust 9 years ago
Won't start; just gets to step 2 on the loading screen and then exits out.
HammerAndSickle 9 years ago
you should give at least 3gb of ram, make sure your using java 8 jre 32 and 64 bit
Posted by enterprise12 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
Hey! What's up! My name is btashi(in game) and I would like to suggest this mod: WarpDrive mod Also I would like to join your lets play, I can help you get more views by advertising and also playing with you guys! :D plz msg me back!
btashi88 9 years ago
i havent started a lets play, i dont have time to, but your welcome to start your own
Posted by enterprise12 9 years ago | Modpack Creator

Latest Update

Industrial Age The Turning was updated to version 1.2.0