CMDR Trevor

Do you have an email or Skype that I could contact you at? I have a request that you may be interested in for a modpack.
Posted by TheNachoSniper on CMDR Trevor's profile 10 years ago


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Who are you, what projects have you done and why should I care. That sound rude but I need to know first.
Posted by CMDR Trevor 10 years ago
I'm Austin. I saw you in the comments on the RolePlay modpack and saw that you make them yourself. I haven't done any projects which is why I'm asking you for help. And you should care because it's a modpack idea that may boost your popularity on here
Posted by TheNachoSniper 10 years ago
I will not post any mod packs for people, however I can teach you. In a few days I will send you a guide on how to make a mod pack.
Posted by CMDR Trevor 10 years ago
here is a tutorial
Posted by CMDR Trevor 10 years ago