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there is a error that says : please consult the modpack author ????
did you take down your mod for good or temporarily?, hope you'll get it up soon with new update, so far i love this modpack, really great job dude!
Cant you just roll back the version?
it dosen't let me download the pack... it seems like it's still trying to download the 0.7.0 and it's not finding it... this is the error
DAMNIT i had day free of work and i wanted to play on server but...ofcourse relasing pack that is not working and then removing it... ya great gz
ugh, the download for the modpack server dissapeared :/
Have you heard of anyone having any problems initializing this modpack only? My friend cant get this modpack to launch, but all his other modpacks work just fine. I know he's running 32-bit java, but i dont think that's the source of the error. Any ideas?
How do you install the modpack server?
:/ i couldnt get it to work
hello server can load plugins i create a plugins folder and put the plugins to this folder and i start the server
[11:12:13] [Server thread/INFO]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@6c9d40b[id=,name=pixelatedcookie,properties={},legacy=false] (/ lost con
nection: Disconnected
What did I do wrong?
I am runing the The 1.7.10 Pack server and added ,Better_Furnaces, deconstruction, ChestTransporter, dungeonpack, MoreEnchantments, MultiPageChest- and BetterChests
to make it like my 1.6.4 server. any plans to add any of them?
Hey, realy happy with the work you are doing. I have hit a snag though, I accidentally let the modpack update and I want to downgrade my version back to 0.61. I cannot seem to find any links anywhere so could you please give me a link plz?
Hello, could i do a youtube series with this modpack if you don't mind? I will put the link to your modpack in the description of my video's so others can check it out and play it msg me on skype my skype name is: xdgamerguyxd
Have you updated the server file?
Hey, I was wondering if I could do a YouTube series using this pack. Just let me know!
Just wondering to " download " the official server, do you literally have to download more files to get it? or can an IP address just be used? I know that the server is down at the moment but I just wanted to know thanks if you see this!
Love the modpack, but i was wondering if you could add orespawn. I think it would fit the pack perfectly. Keep up the good work.
i would like to download this modpack.
Can you add that mod to your 1.7.10 pack:
I'm missing MiscPeripherals and thats a good alternative :)
Can you add that mod to your 1.7.10 pack:
I'm missing MiscPeripherals and thats a good alternative :)