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Hi it's me, Could you take a look at this. Joseph at won't to talk to me about mod related and insists I come to the author to find answers. Appreciate any feedback.
Are you interesting in joining us on our next podcast for an interview?
Hey I getting a server started on your modpack "Hi it's me". let me know if like to join.
Also, what in the mod might be blocking permission within the game? I op my toon and my good friends toon server side but still no permissions in game. Any suggestion?
Is there a texture/graphic pack that works with your mod Hi its me? I run a server using your mod pack and my brother and a friend of mine would like to have a little more crispness to the graphics.
forgot to ask if i can use this pack on a public server already started working on a server we doing heavy testing and working on stuff loving how stable this pack is compared to earlier ones. hope things go well.
Hey! I love the modpack, but I want to ask you if you are looking for a official server! We would be glad to represent your amazing modpack! If you could email me at [email protected] That would be great! Thanks for the modpack
Hey first of all thanks for this awesome modpack :P I'd like to add a mod (secret rooms) though, but when I do it the LaunchServer.bat gives me an error after trying to load the mod. Got any ideas master? :P
Help is appreciated (:
whats the official server ip If there is one?
I am still working on the server and I am lacking a eula and I crash when I activate the launch server option, getting this error code in the cmd file "unable to access the jarfile forge-1.7.10-10.2.1352-1.7.10-universal.jar"
I like to pay for some extra for you pack. can you add me on Skype Elkoremarr Lodahl
xJon liked the modpack Lay of the Land 9 years ago
This is by far my favorite pack, but i have an issue that keeps occurring. When i am just playing and not doing anything intensive, my game will freeze and sometimes crash and this happens pretty frequently. Fix please? Or help?
can you add a couple mods to that modpack
When I load up the 1.7.10 mod pack it says '' could not create the virtual Java machine. a fatal exception has occurred, program will exit. HELP plz!
Hey Just Wondering If you Can Point Me Toward A Tutorial On How To Put This On My Server. Voideon Wrecked My So I Had To Reset It. Thanks -iTwistedHD
when i was about to play it, it said error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine and Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit help me please
What's the easiest way to update the server files? Just replace the whole mods folder?
Just Wondering if you'll release the Modpack update tonight at 12 or tomorrow at some time. not to be impatient but I am wondering