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Hi it's me, Could you take a look at this. Joseph at Minespan.com won't to talk to me about mod related and insists I come to the author to find answers. http://pastebin.com/Q26ECkTD Appreciate any feedback.
Jerdos65 on xJon's profile 9 years ago
Are you interesting in joining us on our next podcast for an interview?
Konman on xJon's profile 9 years ago
Hey I getting a server started on your modpack "Hi it's me". let me know if like to join.
99mastercraft on xJon's profile 9 years ago
Also, what in the mod might be blocking permission within the game? I op my toon and my good friends toon server side but still no permissions in game. Any suggestion?
Jerdos65 on xJon's profile 9 years ago
Is there a texture/graphic pack that works with your mod Hi its me? I run a server using your mod pack and my brother and a friend of mine would like to have a little more crispness to the graphics.
Jerdos65 on xJon's profile 9 years ago
forgot to ask if i can use this pack on a public server already started working on a server we doing heavy testing and working on stuff loving how stable this pack is compared to earlier ones. hope things go well.
Mikoto_Silver on xJon's profile 9 years ago
Hey! I love the modpack, but I want to ask you if you are looking for a official server! We would be glad to represent your amazing modpack! If you could email me at [email protected] That would be great! Thanks for the modpack
RemotionGaming on xJon's profile 9 years ago
Hey first of all thanks for this awesome modpack :P I'd like to add a mod (secret rooms) though, but when I do it the LaunchServer.bat gives me an error after trying to load the mod. Got any ideas master? :P Help is appreciated (:
Riles on xJon's profile 9 years ago
whats the official server ip If there is one?
DARK_Wolf0303 on xJon's profile 9 years ago
I am still working on the server and I am lacking a eula and I crash when I activate the launch server option, getting this error code in the cmd file "unable to access the jarfile forge-1.7.10-10.2.1352-1.7.10-universal.jar"
Viper_3000 on xJon's profile 9 years ago
I like to pay for some extra for you pack. can you add me on Skype Elkoremarr Lodahl
Elkoremarr on xJon's profile 9 years ago
xJon liked the modpack Lay of the Land 9 years ago
This is by far my favorite pack, but i have an issue that keeps occurring. When i am just playing and not doing anything intensive, my game will freeze and sometimes crash and this happens pretty frequently. Fix please? Or help?
CrispyKnight36 on xJon's profile 9 years ago
can you add a couple mods to that modpack
Tornadogaming on xJon's profile 9 years ago
When I load up the 1.7.10 mod pack it says '' could not create the virtual Java machine. a fatal exception has occurred, program will exit. HELP plz!
cappy7030 on xJon's profile 9 years ago
Hey Just Wondering If you Can Point Me Toward A Tutorial On How To Put This On My Server. Voideon Wrecked My So I Had To Reset It. Thanks -iTwistedHD
iTwistedHD on xJon's profile 9 years ago
Voideon on xJon's profile 9 years ago
when i was about to play it, it said error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine and Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit help me please
NightSetter74 on xJon's profile 9 years ago
What's the easiest way to update the server files? Just replace the whole mods folder?
sean2012 on xJon's profile 9 years ago
Just Wondering if you'll release the Modpack update tonight at 12 or tomorrow at some time. not to be impatient but I am wondering
Voideon on xJon's profile 9 years ago