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i am having problems about single player. The book bags on single player are glitched from putting something in it, then closing it, then opening it back up and it not being there, this happened 2-26 plz fix. I am trying it again
damondakilla10 on f3rullo14's profile 8 years ago
Happy Birthday f3rullo14 and PWRxPSYCHO :D
CorollaCruiser on f3rullo14's profile 8 years ago
how do you get guns in singleplayer survival?
jetmine3000 on f3rullo14's profile 8 years ago
Please Help Me it says failed This Is It 100% Error downloading a file for the following pack Official Crafting Dead Failed To Download 119.zip Please Consult The Modpack Author
GetSuprised on f3rullo14's profile 8 years ago
how do i start
Chanman2005 on f3rullo14's profile 8 years ago
when is 1.1.6 coming out??????????
CorollaCruiser on f3rullo14's profile 8 years ago
i like playing in served in the creft walking n know my n 's to come
machadoponte123 on f3rullo14's profile 8 years ago
And I mean all of This For Counter Craft.
.iG_RainbowDash on f3rullo14's profile 8 years ago
And will you Also add A mute Button because people say that I "cheat" and "hack" and it gets annoying.
.iG_RainbowDash on f3rullo14's profile 8 years ago
Hey F3rullo14 I have a question for you. Will you ever Add knifes New maps and new cases and guns? Some People say that your giving up on this mod pack. I really hope that You will not Give up on this mod pack because it is amazing.
.iG_RainbowDash on f3rullo14's profile 8 years ago
hey f3rullo14 i found a bug. I put a attachment on a M4A1 and it dublicatet it. the attachment was a red dot sight and ammo was a STANAG drum magazine
ABPGamer on f3rullo14's profile 8 years ago
I miss the old update, with this update everything lags far more and while my Items may reset, my balance will never go back up.
Hman36 on f3rullo14's profile 8 years ago
f3rullo14 i have a bug with the backpacks on my own singleplayer map, when i put something inside the backpack it dissepears when i get out of the backpack please do something at it
jeroen8 on f3rullo14's profile 8 years ago
so ya i got a problem i know my wifi is crappy but when i play vanilla not the technic vanilla i got about 50 - 60ms and in the crafting dead i get 100ms and up plz help
luke_da_miner on f3rullo14's profile 8 years ago
zombies are way to fast lower there speed
marcusholmes3 on f3rullo14's profile 9 years ago
Hey ferullo are you going to add optifine to the pack at some point?
iPyRo on f3rullo14's profile 9 years ago
Hey f3rullo14, I saw at one point you had said that if we wanted to make skins for guns in counter craft, I was wondering where to post them for you to see them.
hpz44 on f3rullo14's profile 9 years ago
you made the best modpack ever
JimTop on f3rullo14's profile 9 years ago
will you update CD to 1.7?
Blahatek on f3rullo14's profile 9 years ago
hey when I try to download mod pack and I put link in and it says {"status":401,"error":"Request Unauthorized"} please help
bbmo1982 on f3rullo14's profile 9 years ago