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Youe New Super Craft Bros modpack won't download for me. Can you help with that? This modpack was the SHIZ for me!!!
hey slime ca ya fix the mod pls it was the mod iad played long ago and now i cant evn download it pls fix it ma boy pls
Hey SlimeU,could you please fix the Eclipse Of Ores modpack? It was my favourite and i really would like to play it again.
Hello sir,could you please fix the Eclispe Of Ores modpack? It was my favourite and i really would like to play it again.
Hey, wheres the 2016 modpacks? I've been waiting.
hey add me on skype i still got probelms..
hey add me on skype i still got probelms..
Hey Slime, I can host the file for you on my server if you like, add me on skype djoveryde
when i copy the URL on the search bord, i click enter and the page tell me "status error 401" WHYYYYYYYYYY?
SlimeU liked the modpack Vanilla II - Epic Adventure 9 years ago
Can't download Vanilla II, fails to download first file.
hey dude do you have a Skype that i can talk to you on I'm a 16 year old dude and i don't want to creep you out but your modpack was awesome and id love to talk to you about it
Hello! I can't load your modpack on Technic. :/ Also, what's the resource pack you used on that photo for Vanilla 2?
The link is broken to Vanilla 2... :(
Mediafire ducked up the site!
it seems there is an issue with the version of NEI being used in the pack?