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my mianite server crashes halfway through loading.. http://pastebin.com/bXDzb47q
Caboose328 on endermedia's profile 9 years ago
HELP! I can't start my Rexxit-Server! Informations below: http://pastebin.com/MiEatFT6
marc_555 on endermedia's profile 9 years ago
hey endermedia could u give me a step by step guide on how to make a Rexxit server with mods and plugins (cauldron) thanks, email me at: [email protected]
RighteousMelon on endermedia's profile 9 years ago
Having trouble with Rexxit: Jurassic park. It installed ok, but when hitting Play button, it crashes every time at 28%. Crash report here. http://pastebin.com/hbrnUMYd I already downloaded new Java version. Thanks for your help!
mamabearC on endermedia's profile 9 years ago
endermedia, the modpack, Steve's Galaxy, keeps getting stuck when it reaches 85%. It just stays at "Reloading Resource/Texture Packs". Can you help me find a solution to fix this problem.
SuperSonic1234 on endermedia's profile 9 years ago
hey any info on why things despawned yet? and posibly able to stop it so I can do dino's agian?
KuroMegumi on endermedia's profile 9 years ago
more slots on the public server please :D
patrickseff on endermedia's profile 9 years ago
can you help me add mods to my modpack?
833198 on endermedia's profile 9 years ago
can you help me add mods to my modpack?
833198 on endermedia's profile 9 years ago
Endermedia, Do you care if I use the name Rexxit on the title of my lets play, ill be using your modpack, I can give a link in the description to you modpack?
ShaggyM16 on endermedia's profile 9 years ago
Please update the server download, it crash with this error: http://pastebin.com/cqKM4rns
tomas5656 on endermedia's profile 9 years ago
i really would love to play on th offical rexxit server but its always full...
admiralxzero on endermedia's profile 9 years ago
updated client and server and still my server crashes at 28% please help http://pastebin.com/XtKP2sfT
Evilrockstar13 on endermedia's profile 9 years ago
My server crash with this error: http://pastebin.com/rhCxHMrz, i downloaded the last version.
tomas5656 on endermedia's profile 9 years ago
hey great work man ! got another update about fixing the crash ??
patrickseff on endermedia's profile 9 years ago
Could you please have a look at this? its what happens when I join the server it just, crashes :( http://pastebin.com/xdAidcQE that's the crash report
DoctahDeath on endermedia's profile 9 years ago
Realm of mianite http://pastebin.com/YF25RkaX i think the problem is related to ender io conduits
Zwinnerz on endermedia's profile 9 years ago
listertwo on endermedia's profile 9 years ago
listertwo on endermedia's profile 9 years ago
How do I download this pack?????
Creeper_418 on endermedia's profile 9 years ago