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Hello. I wanted to ask if it is possible to somehow get the Mods you used for the Medieval Times III: Empire Rising Modpack. I really liked that modpack and would love to play it with some friends. But sadly i can't install it over the Tecnich Launcher.
fonix do you know the modlist of magical revolution (the deleted modpack) bc i loved it but cant get the mods due to not knowing all of em please and thanks i wish it could have continued
i didint goty a Chance to explain my self and one of u banned me from both servers and discord
_Fonix liked the modpack Medieval Times: Empires Rising 7 years ago
do u know when voting will be all fixed?
when do you think voting will be back or some way to get money?
keep up the great updates.
Fonix im a really big crafting magic fan and i heard that you are going to get rid of server 1. please do not get rid of server one. it is the only thing i really play on technic. i hope you consider not getting rid of server 1.
Hi, today the modpack was working fine. then it got an update. i uptadted it and now it doesn't even startup. Any help?
I was wondering, why is the crafting magic unlimited R1 pack server whitelisted? If its because of remodeling, then ill understand. but if its not and you just keep at like that, may i please be added to the whitelist? Thank you.