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maybe something like anime vs dc&marvel thats sounds awesome with buildcraft applied energistics original and mechanism
btw when do you plan on making another pack im so impatient to see whats next
your awesome dude
Hello! I just want you to Re-Upload Year 6015 So Me and my Friend can do a multiplayer. After we download it You can make it hidden Again Or Delete it. I had Lots of fun and my friend would love it too.
Sincerely, _minebryan
Hello! I just want you to Re-Upload Year 6015 So Me and my Friend can do a multiplayer. After we download it You can make it hidden Again Or Delete it. I had Lots of fun and my friend would love it too.
Sincerely, _minebryan
Are there any plans to bring back midevil times?
(Modpacks submitted under the name of another already established modpack name will be removed. This includes modpacks on and off the Platform.) Make sure to change them by tomorrow.
Hey there. You're going to have to change the names of your modpacks as they break our modpack creation terms. Sky Factory 2 and Craft Crazy being them.
ohgaming can you make a modpack thats based around ssuperheroes unlimited?
ohgaming someone name gav killed me and i cany get out of spawn in crazycraft
Three people on the Business and Bullets server used a exploit to get into my town and they keep killing me when I comeone and they are, KrambitFade crazymel surgesam
Need help on any of the servers just ask expt for wild west 2
kevinbob2 keep on raiding us
can u unban WitherusII plz i need his help
Hey dude i was just wondering that in the next crazycraft update could you please add the mods Decocraft, Inventory Pets Mod, Adventure Backpack, Chisel 2, Statues, Pandoras Box and Portal Gun Mod?? Thank You For Reading!!!
none of OhGamming's mod packs work for me will you please make it so i can play too i have a very old mac
what happened to your medieval one? im reading time line and i want to play that pack again...
Hey, just wondering if it would be possible if you would mind making a modpack for me, cus it never works when I do it?