Post a Status Update
Server is back online after a quick migration to a fresh dedicated server.
What mod or content pack is the little hit marker from?
I have updated the forums and the server. Everything should be good to go.
umh, the forums are dead and I crash every time I join just a second after I log
Umh, you may have noticed the forums are dead. There is a SQL error. Also, every tyme I try to join the server it crashes just a second after I log.
Umh, you may have noticed the forums are dead. There is a SQL error. Also, every tyme I try to join the server it crashes just a second after I log.
youre still there buddy?
youre still there buddy?
I can't download the mudpack, It says a file has failed to download.
why you have make all mods out ?!!!
Every time i try to enter in the server, the cient crashes. It might be caused by the zone, if you could tp me randomly without removing my inventory while i'm online, or just removing my DB shotgun in the hotbat.
XHostFire liked the modpack [Official] Flan-Z Reloaded 3.0 9 years ago