Post a Status Update
ThenNothing liked the modpack Technic SSP (unofficial) 6 years ago
I transfered Space 2 (Minecraft the Full Experience) to my spare account as a musem piece for my first working modpack. This frees space for new endevors whilst not removing the past.
TRBN 4 will continue to recieve updates as I figure out how to get some of the mods working.
FavMods-Ssnakee is an upcoming pack incorperating some random mods, some favorites, and some essentials; if anyone thinks of a mod to add, please tell me! ;)
ThenNothing liked the modpack Hack Slash Mine 7 years ago
ThenNothing liked the modpack T R B N 4 7 years ago
ThenNothing liked the modpack Aliens vs Predator 7 years ago
anyone can check out my other account for extra modpacks! my account is called 'Critchy1'
want to change profile pic. can't :(
ThenNothing liked the modpack Space 2 8 years ago