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Single-player worlds in 1.1.2-RC1-B1 cause a "Connection Lost: Disconnected from server" message, returning the player to the Multiplayer server list (not the Single Player list) and providing no crash log.
Eltani on Amaxter's profile 9 years ago
Problem in nether, couldn't exit nether and nether ore doesn't spawn in the nether. It also crash the game while inside nether. Crash report:
Grevale on Amaxter's profile 9 years ago
Due to character limits, I posted the problem and the crash on the pastebin below. Problem: I went to the modpack files manually and there's no crashlogging file, any ideas?
Scizornician on Amaxter's profile 9 years ago
Due to character limits, I posted the problem and the crash on the pastebin below. Problem: I went to the modpack files manually and there's no crashlogging file, any ideas?
Scizornician on Amaxter's profile 9 years ago
I just tried to use Realm of Mianite pack & it wont even start so I dont have a crash report to give you. I am on the newest version of Mac. Other mod packs work, Mianite wont even bring up the Mojang start window it just flashes to the launcher
Tessica15 on Amaxter's profile 9 years ago
PLEASE HELP I have a huge problem, I want nevermine gone really bad so I removed it from the mod folder and the cache folder and now all my worlds crash and become a white screen, please just help me get rid of never mine and get back my world
doesntmatter on Amaxter's profile 9 years ago can you help me please?
Houkakun on Amaxter's profile 9 years ago
Dude, why am I having a white screen again...all these updates are killing my worlds...its so frustrating starting new worlds over and over again. Is there a way to fix it or get my worlds to work again?
Brick4343 on Amaxter's profile 9 years ago
Hey Amaxter, when i entered and spawned in Mianite, i fell through blocks in the overworld into the void, kept taking damage and subsequently died there and i can't get my stuff back.
julianhmk on Amaxter's profile 9 years ago
Hey Amaxter, me again. When I load my world, there's a bunch of missing blocks, is this supposed to happen?
The_Gibus on Amaxter's profile 9 years ago
Keep getting this crash error on my friend's server whenever i try to log on.
snowsteal34 on Amaxter's profile 9 years ago
Hi Amaxter! I have a problem that's been happening when I start the game. It takes forever to load when its initializing. Do you know what's wrong with it?
NexusPrime on Amaxter's profile 9 years ago
Hi Amaxter! There's been a problem that's been happening to me a lot. My worlds wouldn't load, it would only display a white screen. Is there a way to fix this? (Here's the pastebin btw )
The_Gibus on Amaxter's profile 9 years ago
Hey Amaxter, i've got another problem, I keep getting this message when i try to connect, little help please. Thank you.
julianhmk on Amaxter's profile 9 years ago
Hey Amaxter could you please luggage image its invisible whenever its in my inventory
RapidCrate on Amaxter's profile 9 years ago
The game crashes while trying to create an arrow...
Kbaa on Amaxter's profile 9 years ago
Hey Amaxter, could ya add the Craftable Animals mod to Steve's Galaxy? That would add so much more use for Fossil and Archeology. Thanks!
BrotherPotato on Amaxter's profile 9 years ago
we need the server files for 1.0.6rc2...
thexunseen on Amaxter's profile 9 years ago
I can"t download the modpack
Tecnomon99 on Amaxter's profile 9 years ago
I can't play any of your mod packs, stop being lazy and contact the mod devs and tell them to update them to be compatible with the Java 8. Please.
VergeYT on Amaxter's profile 9 years ago