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Hey im having some issues with the Enhanced Portals with the moon from Galacticraft it keeps glitching and i dont leave the "downloading terrain" message that you see when changing dimensions, this issue happened after i sent a Luggage chest through.
Just wanted to say that on the V-Team Revival Pack the minions mod says something is missing instead of the options that allow for the Master staff.
*i couldn't finish cus not enough space* ....lever if u destroy i might pe able to enter
Hello jettison, KirioNovus
here i keep crashing everytime i enter the server but i think i know the cause ...
In my tree house there is a torch *secretroomsmod* on top of a cultivator thingy which is in reality a lever if u destroy it please
Hi I love your pack but i realise its not finished. I make modpacks myself and I was wondering if you wanted help with making the pack at all. If so skype me Joseph Hobson my picture is of thaumcraft elements XD