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AmazingSpaceCat liked the modpack Ultra Modded-Survival 9 years ago
After the most recent update in Rexxit, every time I try to find the recipe for something from the JurassiCraft mod in NEI nothing happens. All other mods work besides this one for the recipes. Also, I keep getting random crashes in the middle of playing.
AmazingSpaceCat liked the modpack Rexxit: Jurassic Pack 9 years ago
I think security craft ( the doors are glitched ) I heard player say that but I dont know if they were fixed by now and also I applied for staff but around how much will it take to see if I qualify for it ?
AmazingSpaceCat liked the modpack Slyfox's Super Minecraft 9 years ago
AmazingSpaceCat liked the modpack Tekkify 3 10 years ago