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Amando, if you deleted the pack then why? If you did not and need help you can contact me. I really like the modpack so it would be really bad for me and the fans.
Hey Amandao I have a pack that is working but I updated it to 1.7.10 and not 1.7.2 because 1.7.2 has more issues. But i can give you it and it dose work because I did test it out and it worked.
Wait nevermind. Sorry.
Uhm... It... Worked? I opened it and it didn't crash this time...
can you put MAtmos and presence footsteps mods ? plz ? they are so cool
i can't download it bu i think will be the best modpack ever
wont let me install said please consult modpack author
Hey I can maybe help with your modpack just message me back and ill try to help with your modpack.
hi can u help me with my mod pack as yorse seems to work
i am trying to run it, it gets to the mojang screen then closes and just goes back to the technic launcher, am i doing anything wrong?
Good modpack