Post a Status Update
SpikeViper liked the modpack NerdCraft City Pack [+Server] 5 years ago
SpikeViper liked the modpack NerdCraft: Cult Of Nerds Pack 7 years ago
Space Nerdcraft Status Update?
SpikeViper liked the modpack The NerdCraft Town Pack 2.0 7 years ago
Me and a bunch of other people are stuck in the neither portal right now pls come and help us out but remember, before coming, you should be in creative mode.
Me and a bunch of other people are stuck in the neither portal right now pls come and help us out but remember, before coming, you should be in creative mode.
hey i was wondering if i can somehow get the download for the server version of your pack for nerdcraft town pack
I would like to talk to you about permission SpikeViper
Server 40% done!
SpikeViper liked the modpack The Albright War Pack [1.7.10] 9 years ago
can u make a surver plz
Im working on it.
i cant update the mod it gives me an error is there a fix
Hey SpikeViper, I'm a sysadmin and I might be able to help you with your problems! Just message me here (Skype: bobafett_bob)
Everyone! I am a friend of SpikeViper and I am here to tell you that the technical difficulties are being managed by the administrators and will come back online. The link does not seem to be working. Keep in touch. :D
hey viper im a modpack maker myself and i see your having trouble with downloads. message me on skype my name is razor3899. or just reply to this comment.
Hey I Tried to download this modpack and it gave me an error saying Failed to download and something about google drive. Anything I can do?
i get this error message:
'Failed to download' any advice
hello i tryed to download your pack and the says i shud speak withe you please answere