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Habe sehr viele Spielstunden reingesteckt hatte auch schon die Map zu 90% clean und dann ist die Welt abgestürzt und ich bin nicht mehr in die Welt reingekommen.
Mylotica on Talonos's profile 1 year ago
Can you repost Blightfall on curseforge
Nightstrike on Talonos's profile 3 years ago
was wondering if maybe you where thinking of a blightfall 2 ??
click73s on Talonos's profile 4 years ago
new modpack maybe not blightfall but a new thing that has hqm in it and is hardcore that would be awesome if you could do that custom made because I really Enjoy modpacks that are custom made because it makes it alot cooler and you are a great artist
LogibearJR on Talonos's profile 5 years ago
So blightfall remake? I see a lot of comments about it. If you aren't planning anything, could I have permission to try a remake using thaumcraft 6?
berrymand71 on Talonos's profile 6 years ago
Hey Talonos, I know it has been over 2 years since Blightfall had its last update and be up for a sequel. I myself have little knowing of mods, however, would be willing to pay. You are free to contact me at [email protected] if you are interested.
Legion-114 on Talonos's profile 7 years ago
Hey! Can you please fix the modpack? Like many other people I have the Problem too. At one point the download stops and it says cant download extra tic. Please fix.
MisterSpace04 on Talonos's profile 7 years ago
I can't seem to download the pack to my launcher. It says to contact you about 'extra-tic-v1.4.5.zip' . It does not seem to download from the pack, but if I go type in the mirror address manually, it downloads. That doesn't seem to help though.
SirenDarkmane on Talonos's profile 7 years ago
I have to say that Blightfall is a work of art. I hope to see a new update or project soon!
solzerid on Talonos's profile 7 years ago
i love your modpack its great but i accidentally killed the archmage does he respawn
mono832 on Talonos's profile 7 years ago
If you are still active you should try to remove the rail dupe glitch since it would give the player infinite iron and gold.
HB_OP on Talonos's profile 8 years ago
"Error unzipping a file for the following pack: Blightfall Attempting to extract file blightfall-2.1.5.zip, but it did not exist. Please consult the modpack author."
MarkLaBarr on Talonos's profile 8 years ago
Hey Talonos, any way to contact you privately? I'd like to ask a few questions about something..
Sythja on Talonos's profile 8 years ago
Hello my friend, I am trying to play blightfall but when I tryed creat new world fml detecting missin blokcs and itmes. This items are from mettalurgy mod cna you help me ?
talha0002 on Talonos's profile 8 years ago
I agree with Samu_099, Blightfall was awesome and I'd love to play more like it
superkitty03 on Talonos's profile 8 years ago
Hey man! I loved Blightfall alot! Are you planning to do more stuff like this? Because I would love playing it. :3
samu_099 on Talonos's profile 8 years ago
Id love to and do u have any more maps like this one?
skyfall1036 on Talonos's profile 8 years ago
I was wanting to make a mod pack similar to Blight fall (similar mission style setup), and I was wondering if you'd be willing to help me. I'm not asking you to do anything more than answer questions that I have! I'd be super stoked!
flancooken97 on Talonos's profile 8 years ago
How did you manage to tie dying in to the HQM reputation system?
Lokiare on Talonos's profile 9 years ago
Hi my name is Brandon and I'm having trouble with my blightfall mod pack. if you want to add me on skype here it is skype: (brandon.keating123)
cheesepooman123 on Talonos's profile 9 years ago