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FlatronEZ liked the modpack KarmaaLP Modpack 9 years ago
FlatronEZ liked the modpack Ancient Millenaire 9 years ago
FlatronEZ liked the modpack Life In The Woods REVIVAL 9 years ago
FlatronEZ liked the modpack Techy - A New kind of Magic 9 years ago
Hey can i get a server to my modpack turbocraft 2.0
FlatronEZ liked the modpack Modern Millenaire (1.7.10) 9 years ago
FlatronEZ liked the modpack FTT2 Feed the Trouduc 2 9 years ago
Hey do you have skype? So I can talk to you about DETS on there?
FlatronEZ liked the modpack Aphmau - Minecraft Diaries + 9 years ago
FlatronEZ liked the modpack Adventure and Survive 2.0 9 years ago
Is there any way i can talk with you about the Minecraft Diaries server? I would like to set up a similar server, and am unsure about how you added the extra mods, and would love to talk with you. Thanks!
its the blightfall modpack to be excact
hey me and a friend wants to start a lets play series on youtube and was wondering if we had your permission to use the mod pack
I'm having trouble getting vanilla nether quartz on your blightfall servers.quartz ore doesnt spawn and i dont know any methods of obtaining said quartz. any suggestions?
Hey, Do you know if youre going to update your SS Evolution
Dark Ages server? Cause the modpack creator updated it to 2.5
I know I should be sending a support card, but can you spawn in more vanilla animals(cows especially) around the spawn area because there are barely any vanilla animals
i have tried multiple times to join the server and have re installed the client twice but i am still unable to join the server. :/ the only thing i can think of that might help is deleting my player files.
Hey FlatronEZ hast du skype ?
Thank you for your support! The pack has expanded a bit more into end game content and a few tweaks for server game play. Please let me know if you need any help with the updates.
What does this mean, am i banned or was work being done to the server