Install Ultra Modded-Survival

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Ultra Modded-Survival) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Ultra Modded-Survival from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Ultra Modded-Survival Version 1.2.1

created by endermedia on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder
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Really want to make a server but the file isn't downloadable
xChillPepperx 9 years ago
Server download link isn't there. Can someone upload a server file?
xChillPepperx 9 years ago
plzzz Server download is not working ! :O
xscorpionxz 9 years ago
Everytime I load the game it crashes at 71% aka "Loading Another one bites the dust" Help? Thanks
MarioDarkboom 9 years ago
The serverpackfiles are corrupt. Pls reupload/other link or a user with the serverfiles make a upload. Thx
Stork1978 9 years ago
To solve the problems / modpack of loading errors follow these steps: 1- Delete the Optifine. (AppData \ Roaming \ .technic \ modpacks \ ultra-modded-survival-101 \ mods) 2- Go to "AppData \ Roaming \ .technic \ modpacks \ ultra-modded-survival-101 \ config" and delete the file "llibrary.cfg". 3. Delete the file llibrary the mods folder. (AppData \ Roaming \ .technic \ modpacks \ ultra-modded-survival-101 \ mods) 4- Download the llibrary: ""; click maintain quaso ask the browser! [{(Archive totally safe and virus-free)}] 5 Place the file you downloaded "LLibrary-0.3.3-1.7.10.jar" the mods folder! (AppData \ Roaming \ .technic \ modpacks \ ultra-modded-survival-101 \ mods) 6- Have fun! I hope it helped you! By: Junx552
Junx 9 years ago
Good luck guys!
Posted by Junx 9 years ago
can't donwload the server.. when I tried it said "corrupted file" for every versions ! does someone still have the zip file server ??
xscorpionxz 9 years ago
hello, the Problem in modpack is llibrary. Download the newest Version from llibrary 0.7.2 and place this on the modfolder. I have a massive Problem with the Server download. I canĀ“t open the zip Archive. I have downloaded the serverpack 5times and not work. Can me everyone pls help and send a link or help me with a upload pls. I will this ,odpack for my Server. thx and sorry for my bad english.
Stork1978 9 years ago
so evertime i try to open the install for this it wont go over 71%, it just crashes and opens in the main menu of technic. any ide how to fix this would be great :)
sybero 9 years ago
I had the same problem with mine yesterday... Checked the crash report and it was actually my LLibrary mod that was the culprit. Without your crash report I can't guarantee anything, but it's worth a shot to get rid of it.
Posted by CrummyBed 9 years ago
Same :(
Posted by Reactive_Bro5436 9 years ago
Crummybed how do you fix it?
Posted by Reactive_Bro5436 9 years ago
same problem here pls help
Posted by tomiscrazy 9 years ago
Will I be able to run this modpack with an Intel Core i3-4170 with 8GB of RAM and a GTX 750 Ti?
ItzJava895 9 years ago
yes but you moste likely will crash on the install
Posted by sybero 9 years ago
What do you mean crash on install? Does that mean I can't play since it would be unable to install, or what? I am just asking if I can play this modpack with decent, stable FPS without crashes or freezing.
Posted by ItzJava895 9 years ago
I would love to see Ex Nihilo and magical crops in this modpack...
Tessai_san 9 years ago
so im not the only one having this problam i see
splitsoul666 9 years ago
Not working for me either
l0stinw0nderland 9 years ago
Technically you can still play if you get rid of JurassiCraft-1.4.5 and llibrary-0.4.3-1.7.10, but I kinda like these mods so I'll wait for a fix ^^
Posted by mikethelab 9 years ago
Ok , with the help of @MIKETHELAB , i fixed it . Delete jurassicraft-1.4.5 and llibrary-0.4.3-1.7.10 from your mods folder , and , if you want to keep these mods ( and you might actually NEED to get them ) , get the LLibrary 0.7.2 and the [1.7.10] JurassiCraft , llibrary one will be found on curse and the jurassicraft will be on . Your welcome.
Posted by CloudChaser277 9 years ago
@CLOUDCHASER277 I couldn't find any other JurassicCraft versions besides 1.4.5 for Minecraft 1.7.10 and the only other version of JC is for MC 1.8.8 so it still crashes ^^
Posted by mikethelab 9 years ago
After replacing those two mods for the newer version the game crash and It go back to the launcher when a try to create a new game. Any help???
Posted by luishenriquetm 9 years ago
+CloudChaser277 It worked thanks
Posted by tyryty3 9 years ago
I and a friend have a problem starting the modpack, when loading at 71% (another one bites the dust) it just crashes and the launcher opens up again. That happened yesterday and before It worked perfectly fine. Is there anything I can do?
Tessai_san 9 years ago
I have the same issue. After hours of trying I figured out that JurassiCraft-1.4.5 and llibrary-0.4.3-1.7.10 are the main cause of a crash, but there could be more than that.
Posted by mikethelab 9 years ago
Any Idea when this will be fixed?
Posted by Tessai_san 9 years ago
I think it might take quite a long while seeing as no one seems to be active ^^
Posted by mikethelab 9 years ago
i was going to reinstall the mod but i accidentally deleted it i cant find it now?
Jack101miner 9 years ago
Please install the Mod Metallurgy :)
Kller816 9 years ago
Hey everyone, try this link instead of the normal oracle link to update your java to 1.8! (Btw just to let u guys know i am using a OS X Yosemite ver. 10.10.5) It worked perfectly for me! So try it mac users! link:
Tigerblaze356 9 years ago
Hey if you guys would could you guys please add the inventory pets mod, i think it would make this mod pack a lot more interesting and fun
Wombrayder 9 years ago
Join this server everyone, its 24/7 with no lagg, 100 slots, its been up for 2 months, join it now!!! the ip is
Nightmobster 9 years ago
But i need help, how did you get your Launch server (windows) windows batch file to work?
Posted by Tj_Flow 9 years ago
Can someone help me op myself on my server, the ops notepad doesnt work, it has sqaure brackets i put my mc name in and save it, when i run the server it resets to empty square brackets
Tj_Flow 9 years ago
1) Open the Minecraft serve.jar 2) type in /op (Username) 3) Go on to your server 4)ENJOY!
Posted by LuqDude 8 years ago

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