Install Ultra Modded-Survival

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Ultra Modded-Survival) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Ultra Modded-Survival from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Ultra Modded-Survival Version 1.2.1

created by endermedia on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder
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Again.... Server file...
xChillPepperx 8 years ago
Can someone please upload the server file? I don't see it anywhere online. That would be very helpful. :)
Bennito1213 8 years ago
Hey I don't have Skype but I would really like to Join your server Silver
Jbird2189 8 years ago
Hey if you guys are looking for a server to play this on message me or add me on skype: rajatsilver123 looking for members and we already have a pretty good group :)
silver_kumar 8 years ago
What version of mc is it?
calvito1 8 years ago
It was working fine earlier today and then it stopped working after I closed it for the first time.
MLJammies 8 years ago This is my recent crashlog in a google doc.
MLJammies 8 years ago
I'm having an error where it's crashing without opening the game at all. It just crashes a little bit after the launcher closes to run the game. Halp pls
MLJammies 8 years ago
To people who crash at 71% (another one bites the dust) follow these steps (i learned this from xChillPepperx thanks to him!) follow these steps 1-Delete optifine- go to %appdata%/ roaming / teching launcher / modpacks / ultra modded survival / mods / delete optifine from there! 2-go to %appdata% / roaming / technic launcher / modpacks / ultra modded survival / config / find library.cfg and delete it! 3-Delete the file llibrary mod! 4- download llibrary again from this link (this is 100% safe i did it myself and it worked!) 5-place the mod you downloaded from the link to the mods folder and enjoy! %appdata% / roaming / technic launcher / modpacks / mods
SwAltaiR 8 years ago
Hey guys is it possible to add more mods (godzilla, superheroes unlimited, youtubers + etc.)? Whenever i try to add mods it crashes (it doesn't even open the game). Please help.
SwAltaiR 8 years ago
What mods are you interested in? I'm working on an upgraded version of UMS, I'd be glas to hear your suggestions.
Posted by paulchartres 8 years ago
xChillPepperx 8 years ago
wai no morph & simply sit?
The Diamond Penguin 8 years ago
\/ AYE! My man!!!!! IDK its super shitty. WHY NO SERVER???!!
xChillPepperx 8 years ago
Why isn't the server available for downloading?
Risenex 8 years ago
Is there any way to fix this 71% crash... I cannot figure it out.
i8thetoast 8 years ago
Well this is a real moodkiller.. Used a lot of time setting everything up as I like it, video, music/sound, controlls, made a world and got on once, now it just loads then close.. I have tried everything I could find in this thread and tried to goolgle it, but can't seem to find the reason.. Plis help..
Aqhurion 8 years ago
To solve the problems / modpack of loading errors follow these steps: 1- Delete the Optifine. (AppData \ Roaming \ .technic \ modpacks \ ultra-modded-survival-101 \ mods) 2- Go to "AppData \ Roaming \ .technic \ modpacks \ ultra-modded-survival-101 \ config" and delete the file "llibrary.cfg". 3. Delete the file llibrary the mods folder. (AppData \ Roaming \ .technic \ modpacks \ ultra-modded-survival-101 \ mods) 4- Download the llibrary: ""; click maintain quaso ask the browser! [{(Archive totally safe and virus-free)}] 5 Place the file you downloaded "LLibrary-0.3.3-1.7.10.jar" the mods folder! (AppData \ Roaming \ .technic \ modpacks \ ultra-modded-survival-101 \ mods) 6- Have fun! I hope it helped you! By: Junx552
xChillPepperx 9 years ago
Thanks this works!
Posted by jaffas119 9 years ago
I'm having the same problem as supernatural_guy. Could someone please explain the problem and maybe how to fix this?
jaffas119 9 years ago
Still looking for a server file
xChillPepperx 9 years ago
Every time i play, it stops at 71% at "another one bites the dust" can someone fix this or tell me how to fix it. Thanks in advance -super
Supernatural_guy 9 years ago

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