Install Ultra Modded-Survival

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Ultra Modded-Survival) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Ultra Modded-Survival from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Ultra Modded-Survival Version 1.2.1

created by endermedia on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder
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There are no server downloads
jackieturtle 5 years ago
God dammit I decided to focus on Adventofascension, but there is no way to even create the carved rune of power
humudu 5 years ago
There's no actual server download?
nippe Dippies 6 years ago
im having problems with jurassicraft and optifine Optifine says its not supported Jurassic one says this UCE jurassicraft{1.4.5} [JurassiCraft] (JurassiCraft-1.4.5.jar)
portakalfrog 6 years ago
If you like Dark Souls where you die over and over again right where you spawn then this mod is for you.
MrKizu 6 years ago
When I try to install the modpack, the installation fails whenever it gets to the ExtraTiC mod. Help me!
1Modpacks1 6 years ago
The server doesn't work? Is it on a different version than the reccomended? It shows "incompatible fml server" when trying to join and theres an X on it.
Adzup 6 years ago
Did you ever get it to work?
Posted by KoseiArmour 6 years ago
I have a server, if anyone would like to join then feel free!
ItsYaBoiDeath 6 years ago
unable to start the mobpack
finmaster344 6 years ago
Server download doesnt work.
Leafdroid 6 years ago
I have a glitch where I cannot see the blitz, please tell me how you fixed it in the update. Thanks
WBarr 6 years ago
I can not have the abilities of the mobs that I kill when I get into them with the mod morph (example: I kill a bird, it can fly, but when I transform in it, I lose the ability to fly)
HebronBR 6 years ago
If you need the server files and they are not available on the site, you can directly get to the sites repository through here and get the server files, which works for any of their modpacks btw if you encounter that problem again!
driveandkill 6 years ago
anybody know any good texture packs for this modpack
soldierofthegate 6 years ago
The only texture pack for this modpack would be the sphax texture pack, ill link it for you if you wanna give it a try.
Posted by Funtaa 6 years ago
Stops loading at 28%, "Pre Initialization: loading Forge Microblocks", just crashes and takes me back to technic homepage
Wanjia 7 years ago
Had that same issue
Posted by KIllerXDagger 7 years ago
bro i had the same problem and i was getting frustrated but all i did was not play minecraft for a bit and then tried to get on like 2 weeks later and it worked.
Posted by Funtaa 6 years ago
Hey Um... The game won't start, It will download, it will load, but it will not play.
SonicBOOM898 7 years ago
I am having an error in extra.tic, could you help me how to solve it or do you even resolve it?
caramba3331 7 years ago
is there a server? if so whats the IP
DoctorSmexy 7 years ago
umm sorry but im having problems organizing my control setting for this modpack
spino9000 7 years ago
Can't download the modpack
PedroFlex 7 years ago
I can't either and I'm probably having the same problem you are.
Posted by StarrWarsDude 7 years ago

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