Vitejte v ere, kde vladne para!
Je na case si postavit steampunkove mesto, vytvorit plovouci pevnost, nebo mesto v oblacich! Nebo se na to vse vykaslete a zacnete svou vedeckou karieru! Hledejte praveke kosti, vrhnete se na genetiku a pak si postavte treba Jursky Park! Budte kreativni!
Neradi stavite domy? Nevadi udelejte si parni stroje nebo postavte zeleznici, je to na vas! Jo a co takhle lest na hory nebo vytvorit lanove centrum? Neni problem! Pokud neradi vysky tak si bezte zaplavat nebo stavet hrady z pisku...
Welcome to steam era!
It's time to build your own steampunk city, floating fortress or city in the sky! Hm, maybe screw that and start your scientific career! Search for ancient bones, start your gen lab and next step will be Jurassic park? Just be creative! You hate build fancy homes? Whatever build your own steam factory, or railroad, it depend on you! What about mountain climbing or make climbing center? Not a problem. If you hate heights, well then go swimming or build your sand castles have a fun...
Vitejte v ere, kde vladne para!
Je na case si postavit steampunkove mesto, vytvorit plovouci pevnost, nebo mesto v oblacich! Nebo se na to vse vykaslete a zacnete svou vedeckou karieru! Hledejte praveke kosti, vrhnete se na genetiku a pak si postavte treba Jursky Park! Budte kreativni!
Neradi stavite domy? Nevadi udelejte si parni stroje nebo postavte zeleznici, je to na vas! Jo a co takhle lest na hory nebo vytvorit lanove centrum? Neni problem! Pokud neradi vysky tak si bezte zaplavat nebo stavet hrady z pisku...
Welcome to steam era!
It's time to build your own steampunk city, floating fortress or city in the sky! Hm, maybe screw that and start your scientific career! Search for ancient bones, start your gen lab and next step will be Jurassic park? Just be creative! You hate build fancy homes? Whatever build your own steam factory, or railroad, it depend on you! What about mountain climbing or make climbing center? Not a problem. If you hate heights, well then go swimming or build your sand castles have a fun...