New and improved version of the modpack here The Laboratory Revisited HQM
LifE's YouTube series The Laboratory HQM Season 1
LifE's YouTube series The Laboratory HQM Season 2
Simple introduction to the modpack, with a getting started spoiler to surviving the first night The Laboratory YouTube Introduction
Full Mod List
Advanced Solar Panels by SeNtiMeL
Agricraft by InfinityRaider
Another One Bites The Dust by ganymedes01
Applied Energistics 2 by AlgorithmX2
BiblioCraft by Nuchaz
BuildCraft by BuildCraft Team
Carpenter's Blocks by Mineshopper
ChickenChunks by Chicken Bones
Chisel by tterrag, Drullkus and minecreatr
CodeChickenCore by Chicken Bones
CoFHCore by CoFH Team
CoFHLib by CoFH Team
ComputerCraft by dan200
Cooking For Blockheads by BlayTheNinth
EnderCore by tterrag1098
Ender IO by CrazyPants
Ex Astris by insaneau
Ex Compressum by BlayTheNinth
Ex Nihilo by Erasmus_Crowley
ExtraCells2 by DrummerMC
ExtraTiC by JeanGlassmaker
Extra Utilities by RWTema
FastCraft by sfPlayer
Fast Leaf Decay by Olafski
GalactiCraft by Micdoodle
GraviSuit by SeNtiMeL
HQM Mod by lorddusk
iChunUtil by iChun
Iguana Tinker Tweaks by boni
Immersive Engineering by BluSunrize and Mr_Hazard
Immersive Intergration by UnwrittenFun
IndustrialCraft2 by sfPlayer
Inventory Tweeks by jimeowan
Iron Chests by progwm16
Jabba by ProfMobius
JourneyMap by techbrew
Logistics Pipes by RS485
Mantle by mDiyo
Minefactory Reloaded by skyboy026
NEI Addons by bdew
NEI Intergration by tonius111
Not Enough Items by Chicken Bones
OpenBlocks by OpenMods
OpenModsLib by OpenMods
OpenPeripheralCore by OpenMods
OpenPeripheralIntergration by OpenMods
Pam's HarvestCraft by MatrexsVigil
Perfect Spawn by lumien231
ProjectE by sinkillerj
Redstone Arsenal by CoFH Team
Simply Jetpacks by tonius111
Steve's Carts 2 by Vswe
Steve's Factory Manager by Vswe
Steve's Addons by Hilburn
Steve's Workshop by Vswe
Storage Drawers by jaquadro
Sync by iChun
Tinkers Contruct by mDiyo
Thermal Dynamics by CoFH Team
Thermal Expansion by CoFH Team
Thermal Foundation by CoFH Team
TiC Tooltips by squeek502
Vein Miner by Portablejim
Waila by ProfMobius
Waila Havestability by squeek502