Install Tekxit 3 [Official]

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Tekxit 3 [Official]) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Tekxit 3 [Official] from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Tekxit 3 [Official] Version 1.3

created by SlayerTheChikken on Minecraft 1.12.2
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For some reason I rarely see any mobs, yet my mob cap is always full no matter where I am. I use "/cohf kill all" and it removes over 80 mobs everytime.
BrownLotion 5 years ago
add ProjectE and Project EX mods to this modpack as well as ExtraPlanets to make this modpack perfect
budderkings6556 5 years ago
ProjectE and ProjectEX will not be added, there is a slight possibility for GC ExtraPlanets but don't bet on it
Posted by Ad-Blokker 5 years ago
ProjectE and ProjectEX will not be added, there is a slight possibility for GC ExtraPlanets but don't bet on it
Posted by Ad-Blokker 5 years ago
ProjectE and ProjectEX will not be added, there is a slight possibility for GC ExtraPlanets but don't bet on it
Posted by Ad-Blokker 5 years ago
i keep getting a error while trying to download ive tried what was suggested but nothing works, please help
beni25797 5 years ago
Check if you have the most recent version of Java
Posted by Ad-Blokker 5 years ago
Dear Creator, i have been playing the modpack with a couple of friends now for around two weeks and its having massive ram issues. The usage of the ram is constantly filling up over time even when ur afk. Its filling up to 96% and then its starts to constantly freeze. It doesn`t make any diffrenz if you start it with 4, 8 or 16 GB etc. its just increasing the playtime until u need to restart the game to clear ram and cache. Do you know anything about that problem / Do you have a solution for that? Regards
ZlyZeOfficial 5 years ago
That's called a memory leak, and I do not believe this modpack is the cause of it. Open task manager and figure out what is causing the leak. Then, find a solution online.
Posted by TheSaltyLeek 5 years ago
Update your java and limit the allocated ram to max 4/5gb
Posted by Ad-Blokker 5 years ago
does steel exist? been searching forever and cant find any,
FROGG27 5 years ago
Yes, just smelt iron (check JEI recipes)
Posted by Ad-Blokker 5 years ago
Can you please add the big reactors mod?
LegendForLife 5 years ago
The port of it is Extreme reactors and that will not likely leave Alpha or Beta phase so yeah that will be a problem
Posted by Ad-Blokker 5 years ago
Hello! Ive been a fan of the pack for over a year now and I was wondering if it might be possible to add DecoCraft as a mod to the next update? I really love the variety it adds to making things look
brickboyjoey 5 years ago
Help! I really don't understand how to power the Pulverizer.. Tried Dynamo.. plus engines.. nothing will work. Haven't tried solar yet, but I need something at the beginning. Getting frustrating..
FuriousLamb 5 years ago
I was struggling with this just yesterday. I got it to work by placing a steam Dynamo 2 blocks away from the pulverizer on the floor, then connecting a conduit from the top of the Dynamo to the top of the pulverizer. Put 4 buckets of water in the Dynamo (right click with full bucket on Dynamo) and add a couple pieces of coal to and your pulverizer should start receiving power.
Posted by TRIGGERHAPPY2c 5 years ago
A pulveriser uses RF, so try something that produces RF or convert another power source to RF
Posted by Ad-Blokker 5 years ago
Can U put Avaritia, ProjecE please???
BetaOld 5 years ago
The chance that ProjectE is going to be added is almost 0%
Posted by Ad-Blokker 5 years ago
I've tried everything and my modpack won't open due to these problem mods:
KAAAAADD 5 years ago
Most of the time this error comes up because you have a cracked/pirated client
Posted by Ad-Blokker 5 years ago
Ok one thing this modpacks need is a quest book. This is just too big and too complicated to understand all od it so quest book would be a great addition.
BappoNukedJappo 5 years ago
Would be A LOT of work, but highly recommend.
Posted by FuriousLamb 5 years ago
There are no quests. It's one big sandbox. You can make your own quests by completing the twilight forest for example. The progression and quests for that can be found online
Posted by Ad-Blokker 5 years ago
Minecraft won't startup due error in Ender IO mods. Link for error:
FloatSignal 5 years ago
Most of the time this error comes up because you have a cracked/pirated client
Posted by Ad-Blokker 5 years ago
when I try to open the modpack he starts but after a time says that a error appeared and give me a link and I dont know what I need to do after that . Help.
Guilhardas 5 years ago
Most of the time this error comes up because you have a cracked/pirated client
Posted by Ad-Blokker 5 years ago
Hello, I made a account just for this occasion. I love your mod ,and everything you've made here. I just feel as though you've really have a massive missed opportunity by not having ancient warfare 2 in your mod. It would add a reason for all those new weapons other than the occasional dungeon and mob mini boss. With amazing and varied combat between players. And the many villages on the map can be easily defended from the armies of mobs with some simple guards instead of having to run around every night trying to keep as many of those nuclear scientists alive as possible. Thank you for reading if you did. From Belgium with love.
Belgian 5 years ago
PLEASE PLEASE Unlock older versions for install. I have a modified .96 server and now cannot have any new people join because they cannot install 0.96.
Sylindriel 5 years ago
Why don't update your server. It is fairly easy. Just follow the instructions in the readme
Posted by Ad-Blokker 5 years ago
Hi, is there plans to add thaumcraft (or however you spell the mod) to this pack? Thanks
PlumpSamurai 5 years ago
Hi Can you put the Facade from BuildCraft? is it possible?
SamsunStyle55 5 years ago
Hi there! My friend has been hosting one of your servers since September, however after the new update our server didn't want to also do that update. Instead it wants us to delete the world and start a new one. I know this is probably more of an issue that should be taken up with the actually people hosting our server (a third party organisation) and that you'll probably tell me to go speak to them, however you were the ones who did the update so I just wanted to check with you if it was something to do with the changes made to the modpack that caused this issue such as adding certain mods or updating them. I have looked at the change log however I'm not well versed in knowing if those changes were the issue.
alexmartian 5 years ago
Anyone know how to host a server using this mod pack
Oscee 5 years ago
go to the website, you make an account just by signing an email up with it, and its all free. you get your own ip and everything, with video tutorials on how to help you do whatever you need, and only a click of a button to turn the server on.
Posted by brickboyjoey 5 years ago
hey! so i cant seem to download the modpack through technic launcher and the error msg says that i should speak with the creator of the modpack. any help?
promo12 5 years ago

Latest Update

Tekxit 3 [Official] was updated to version 1.3