Being a superhero in minecraft now, is made possible with Tihyo's Super Hero Unlimited mod.
Using this modpack you can make your own superhero suits of your favorite superheroes in minecraft. The mod gets updated constantly, adding more content and more suits to the game. I will keep updating this modpack with the latest version.
I have also added some utility mods to help reduce the grinding times, to get the quite pricy materials for the suits.
CRAFTING RECIPIES FOR THE SUITS ARE LOCATED HERE: http://tihyogames.wix.com/superheroes#!crafting/c21nl
I have now also added, a server package that you can download, and host your own superhero tech server to play along with your friends!
Instructions are inside the Server.zip file. EXTRACT IT.
If you are having any problems with the modpack, or hosting a server, let me know and I'l be glad to help :)