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This pack is designed to be very lightweight and to be for those who want to "play god". Spawn in some clay soldiers, build armies, bases, defenses and watch them fight! Alternatively, build your own miniature town for your clay soldiers and watch them go about their daily lives. :)
Some may question why this pack exists, considering that there's only really one mod needed to get a similar experience to this. The answer is performance and appearance: with this pack, you don't just get the Clay Soldiers mod - you also get tonnes of performance optimisations similar to those found in CraftMine v4 and a stripped-down version of CraftMine v3's built-in resource pack. This makes the game look better whilst sticking to the original vanilla style (similar to Faithful 32x), and allows you to crank up the video settings more than Vanilla on the same PC.
Note: The built-in resourcepack is optional but turned on by default. You may turn it off in the resourcepacks menu.