Install HardVanilla

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (HardVanilla) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select HardVanilla from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

HardVanilla Version 1.9

created by bad_cholo on Minecraft 1.7.10

The Feeling Of Minecraft With Much More Content. No Power Or Pipes. Increased Enchantments, Better Hunger System, Better More Durable Diamond Armor, Dungeons With Much Harder Mobs And Spawning Events, Epic SGcraft Portals for traveling,

Comes with a Server ip installed. [b]Server Ip:[/b]

Beware of Acid Rain.

Minecraft Coder Pack (id: mcp, version: 9.05, authors: []) Forge Mod Loader (id: FML, version:, authors: [cpw, LexManos, Player])

Minecraft Forge (id: Forge, version:, authors: [LexManos, Eloraam, Spacetoad])

Better Sleeping Core (id: bettersleepingcore, version: 1.0, authors: [OndraSter])

CodeChicken Core (id: CodeChickenCore, version:, authors: [ChickenBones])

InfiniBows (id: InfiniBows, version: 1.3.0 build 20, authors: [Myrathi]) 1.2 (id: ivtoolkit, version: IvToolkit, authors: [Ivorius])

Not Enough Items (id: NotEnoughItems, version:, authors: [ChickenBones])

Super Enchants (id: se, version: 0.4.1, authors: [Twinklez])

Backpacks! (id: backpacks16840, version: 3.1.3, authors: [Brad16840])

OpenModsCore (id: OpenModsCore, version: 0.9, authors: [Mikee, NeverCast, boq])

ItemBlacklist (id: ItemBlacklist, version: 1.0.0, authors: []) Extended Workbench (id: extendedWorkbench, version:, authors: [])

Chicken Shed (id: ChickenShed, version: 1.1.3, authors: [Vazkii, ZeroLevels])

Common Sense Food (id: csfood, version: 1.0.0, authors: [MrFancypants])

Animals+ (id: animalsPlus, version: 1.2, authors: [])

AnimationAPI (id: AnimationAPI, version: 1.2.4, authors: [thehippomaster21])

AppleCore (id: AppleCore, version: 1.1.0, authors: [squeek])

D3Core (id: D3Core, version:, authors: [Dries007, Doubledoor team])

AutoCrafter2000 (id: AutoCrafter2000, version:, authors: [Dries007, Doubledoor team])

Balkon's WeaponMod (id: weaponmod, version: v1.14.3, authors: [])

The Bat Belt (id: BatBelt, version: 1.1.0, authors: [Bats of Aftheim])

Baubles (id: Baubles, version:, authors: [])

BetterBedrockGen (id: BBG, version: 1.0.0, authors: [])

Bedrock (id: Bedrock, version: 1.0.8, authors: [])

Bedrock Items Reborn (id: BedrockItemsReborn, version: 1.7.10-0.1-Build 1, authors: [Shad0wB1ade])

bedrockplus (id: bedrockplus, version: 0.0.3, authors: [manmaed])

Better Anvil (id: BetterAnvil, version:, authors: [ExampleDude])

Better Questing (id: betterquesting, version: 1.0.155, authors: [Funwayguy])

BetterRain (id: betterrain, version:, authors: [OreCruncher])

Better Sleeping (id: bettersleeping, version: 1.7.10-1.1.26, authors: [OndraSter])

BetterVanilla (id: bettervanilla, version: 1.1.1, authors: [Agadar])

BiblioCraft (id: BiblioCraft, version: 1.11.4, authors: [Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair])

BigTrees (id: bigtrees, version: 1.6.4, authors: [])

Boilerplate (id: boilerplate, version:, authors: [SkySom, warlordjones, decebaldecebal])

Bookshelf (id: bookshelf, version:, authors: [darkhax, lclc98])

Brewing-API (id: brewingapi, version: 1.2.0, authors: [Agadar])

Brick-a-Brac (id: BrickaBrac, version: 1.7.10-1.1.0b, authors: [Saikou])

Precious Bricks (id: PreciousBricks, version: 1.7.10-1.0.0b, authors: [])

Coal 2 Charcoal (id: c2c, version:, authors: [])

CakeIsALie (id: CakeIsALie, version: 4.04, authors: [Toinane])

Catwalks Mod (id: catwalks, version: 2.0.4, authors: [TheCodeWarrior])

Legacy Catwalk Compat (id: catwalkmod, version: x.x.x, authors: [])

Charcoal Block (id: CharcoalBlock, version: 1.7.10-1.2, authors: [MinecraftDevin11])

Chocolate Quest (id: chocolateQuest, version: 1.0, authors: [])

Cooking for Blockheads (id: cookingbook, version: 1.0.134, authors: [BlayTheNinth, ZeroTheShinigami])

CosmeticArmorReworked (id: cosmeticarmorreworked, version: 1.7.10-v4, authors: [zlainsama])

Chalice of the Void (id: cotv, version: 1_7_10.0.0, authors: [GerbShert])

Crafting Pillars Mod (id: craftingpillars, version: 1.6.0, authors: [])

CustomNpcs (id: customnpcs, version: 1.7.10d, authors: [Noppes,

DarkSignal(AI), Foxz(Commands)])

Custom Server Items (id: customserveritems, version: 1.2, authors: [olee, ForgeEssentials])

DigitalXP (id: source_code293.digitalxp, version: 0.1.5, authors: [source-code])

Disenchanter (id: DisenchanterMod, version: 1.4, authors: [Impelon])

Dungeon Mobs (id: dungeonmobs, version: 4.1.3, authors: [GnomeWorks])

Emerald & Obsidian tools/armor mod (id: emeraldobsidianmod, version: 1.3.1, authors: [Royalsmods])

EnderStorage (id: EnderStorage, version:, authors: [ChickenBones])

Exp Ore (id: ExpOre, version: 1.1a, authors: [])

ExtrabiomesXL (id: ExtrabiomesXL, version: 3.16.4, authors: [MisterFiber, ScottKillen, JLBShecky, allaryin, bspkrs])

Fast Leaf Decay (id: fastleafdecay, version: 1.3, authors: [Olafski])

Feed A Friend (id: FeedAFriend, version: 1.7.10-1.0.4, authors: [])

Fidelis (id: Fidelis, version: 1.0.3, authors: [UnderMybrella])

Finndus Fillies (id: FinndusFillies, version:, authors: [Myrathi])

Flan's Mod (id: flansmod, version: 4.10.0, authors: [jamioflan])

Flat Signs (id: FlatSigns, version:, authors: [Myrathi])

Fortress Mod (id: fortressmod, version: 0.9.03, authors: [])

Garden Containers (id: GardenContainers, version: 1.7.10-1.7.0, authors: [])

Garden Core (id: GardenCore, version: 1.7.10-1.7.0, authors: [])

Garden Stuff (id: GardenStuff, version: 1.7.10-1.7.0, authors: [])

Garden Trees (id: GardenTrees, version: 1.7.10-1.7.0, authors: [])

Hardcore Wither (id: hardcorewither, version: 1.1.3, authors: [Thor12022])

HorrorWeen (id: HorrorWeen, version: 1.1.0, authors: [])

iCraft (id: iCraft, version: 0.7, authors: [HarleyWF])

Iron Chest (id: IronChest, version:, authors: [])

IronFence (id: IronFence, version: 1.1.0, authors: [goldensilver853])

Iron Furnaces (id: ironfurnaces, version: 1.0, authors: [XenoMustache])

It's the little things (id: itlt, version: 0.0.8, authors: [Zlepper])

JumpPad++ (id: Pads, version: 2.3.3, authors: [T145])

Kablooey (id: Kablooey, version: 0.1, authors: [])

Luppii's Ladders (id: LLadders, version: 0.5.0, authors: [Luppii, Aiqueneldar])

Lycanites Mobs (id: lycanitesmobs, version: - MC 1.7.10, authors: [])

MalisisCore (id: malisiscore, version: 1.7.10-0.12.9, authors: [Ordinastie, PaleoCrafter])

Malisis Advert (id: malisisadvert, version: 1.7.10-0.4.3, authors: [])

Malisis' Doors (id: malisisdoors, version: 1.7.10-1.10, authors: [])

Myths & Monsters Mod (id: mam, version: 1.7.10-1.0.2, authors: [HoopAWolf, UKDeccy, Uno165])

MedicineCraft (id: MedicineCraft, version: V4.0, authors: [Joakim])

mobstatues (id: nolpfij_mobstatues, version: 0.1.1, authors: [])

Model Citizens (id: modelcitizens, version: 1.0.1, authors: [FyberOptic]) §9MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod (id: cfm, version: 3.4.8, authors: [§8MrCrayfish])

Mutant Creatures (id: MutantCreatures, version: 1.4.9, authors: [thehippomaster21])

NoMoreRecipeConflict (id: recipehandler, version: 1.7.10, authors: [stimmedcow, GotoLink])

NPC Integration (id: bq_npc_integration, version: 1.0.10, authors: [Funwayguy])

ObsidianTools (id: ObsidianTools, version: 1.0.0, authors: [])

oharaicaine_tweaks (id: oharaicaine_tweaks, version: 0.3, authors: [])

Omnis Core (id: OmnisCore, version: 0.1.0, authors: [])

Dimensional Pockets (id: dimensionalPockets, version:, authors: [])

OpenMods (id: OpenMods, version: 0.9, authors: [])

OpenBlocks (id: OpenBlocks, version: 1.5, authors: [])

Open Modular Turrets (id: openmodularturrets, version: 2.2.7-228, authors: [])

Grim3212 Core (id: grim3212core, version: V0.2 - 1.7.10, authors: [Grim3212])

Pokeball (id: pokeball, version: V0.1 - 1.7.10, authors: [Grim3212, Apox159])

Forge Multipart (id: ForgeMultipart, version:, authors: [])

MrTJPCore (id: MrTJPCoreMod, version:, authors: [])

ProjectRed Core (id: ProjRed|Core, version: 4.7.0pre10.93, authors: [])

ProjectRed Illumination (id: ProjRed|Illumination, version: 4.7.0pre10.93, authors: [])

QuantumStorage (id: QuantumStorage, version: 1.2.1, authors: [Gigabit101])

Better Questing Quest Book (id: questbook, version: 1.1.0, authors: [Drethic])

Right Click Dye (id: QVBARightClickDye, version: 1.0, authors: [Roxox1])

Redstone Paste (id: RedstonePasteMod, version: 1.6.2, authors: [])

Roadblocks (id: roadblock, version: 1.7.10-2.1.8-, authors: [Team Whammich])

The SecretRoomsMod (id: secretroomsmod, version: 4.7.1, authors: [])

Greg's SG Craft (id: SGCraft, version: 1.13.2, authors: [])

SimpleLabels (id: SimpleLabels, version: @VERSION@, authors: [insaneau, tterrag1098])

SkinPort (id: skinport, version: 1.7.10-v8c, authors: [zlainsama])

Special Mobs (id: SpecialMobs, version: 3.2.0, authors: [FatherToast])

sprinkles_for_vanilla (id: sprinkles_for_vanilla, version: 1.6.0, authors: [VikeStep])

Stairs++ (id: stairsplusplus_mrliop, version: 1.0, authors: [MrLiop])

Standard Expansion (id: bq_standard, version: 1.0.99, authors: [Funwayguy])

Storage Drawers (id: StorageDrawers, version: 1.7.10-1.7.5, authors: [])

StorageSilo (id: storageSilo, version: 1.2.2, authors: [])

Super Crafting Frame (id: supercraftingframe, version:, authors: [EdgarAllen])

Switches Continued (id: SwitchesContinued, version: 0.0.1, authors: [])

Toolbox (id: toolbox, version: 1.2.3, authors: [])

Tool Utilities (id: ToolUtilities, version: 0.0.1, authors: [insaneau, tterrag])

TooMuchTime (id: TooMuchTime, version: 2.4.0, authors: [])

Translocator (id: Translocator, version:, authors: [ChickenBones])

Inventory Tweaks (id: inventorytweaks, version: 1.58-645ca10-dirty, authors: [])

Twisted Tweaks (id: twistedtweaks, version: 0.1.2-3, authors: [artdude543, MindlessPuppetz, Funwayguy])

TYNKYN (id: TYNKYN, version: 2.1, authors: [DarKnighT_0_9])

UsefulFood (id: UsefulFood, version: 1.4.5, authors: [Silentspy, Bockwurst])

Waystones (id: waystones, version: 1.0.4, authors: [BlayTheNinth])

Wild Caves 3 (id: wildcaves3, version: 1.7.10, authors: [Alexmania])

Ze Torches (id: zetorches, version: 1.1, authors: [ILMABCRY])

Armor Overlay (id: armoroverlay, version: 2.0, authors: [])

CleanView (id: CleanView, version: 1.7.10-v2, authors: [zlainsama])

Damage Indicators (id: DamageIndicatorsMod, version: 3.2.0, authors: [])

Fog Nerf (id: fognerf, version: 1.7.10-0.3, authors: [])

HelpFixer (id: HelpFixer, version: 1.0.7, authors: [matthewprenger])

Simple Mod Lister (id: ModLister, version: 1.0, authors: [Dragon2488])

No Nausea (id: NoNausea, version: 1.0, authors: [lumien])

Particle Distance Increasinator (id: ParticleDistance, version: 1.0.0, authors: [snak_attack])

Rei's Minimap (id: ReiMinimap, version: 1.7.10, authors: [Sedridor])

ShowDurability2 (id: ShowDurability2, version: 1.3.0, authors: [])

bspkrsCore (id: bspkrsCore, version: 6.15, authors: [DaftPVF, bspkrs])

StatusEffectHUD (id: StatusEffectHUD, version: 1.27, authors: [bspkrs])

Waila (id: Waila, version: 1.5.10, authors: [])

Minecraft Multipart Plugin (id: McMultipart, version:, authors: [])

Hunger Overhaul (id: HungerOverhaul, version: 1.7.10-1.0.0.jenkins75, authors: [iguana_man, Parker8283, progwml6, squeek502])

Forge Microblocks (id: ForgeMicroblock, version:, authors: [])

Latest Update

HardVanilla was updated to version 1.9