###Magery, marriage, mass-production, and mayorship: awing and immersive, if not humorously chaotic.
###Twelve is big and modern, designed to offer some competition to the headline modpacks of the present, which all happen to work on Minecraft versions of the past.
####Full of automation, science, magic, exploration and construction, to accommodate the extensive market of Minecraft players who long to build a sci-fi skyscraper-sized automated honey factory in the middle of a village constructed by artificially intelligent NPCs.
####Go to http://twelve.benjamin.it for more information.
#####For a complete list of mods, click here.
Uses the wonderful resource pack.
Click here to download it for your own personal use.
#####You should assign as much RAM as possible, and don't forget to configure your Optifine preferences in Video Settings to increase your FPS! 64-bit Java may be required for true control over RAM allocation.